测试科学与仪器(英文版)(Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation)(可网站投稿)

《测试科学与仪器(英文版)》(Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation)(季刊),杂志于2010年创办,经新闻出版总署批准的正规刊物,由山西省中北大学主办,报道国内外最新测试与仪器技术动态,关注测试与仪器科学技术的热点、难点问题,为从事信息的获取和转换研究的科技工作者提供学术观点的展示和交流平台,推动中国测试与仪器技术的对外交流与合作。核心栏目:测试理论与技术、信号与图像处理技术、控制理论与技术、仪器与传感器技术、智能化检测技术,涉及电子、生物、医学、物理、材料和化工等众多学科领域。




出版周期:季刊 级别:核心期刊
国际标准刊号:ISSN 1674-8042






Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation was launched in 2010 and is sponsored by North University of China. The Journal is a peer reviewed, interdisciplinary, open access academic journal. It reports the latest developments in measurement sciences and instruments worldwide and focuses on the key and challenging issues in the field, providing a platform for scientific researchers to present and exchange their academic perspectives.

We accept the original research articles and reviews pertinent to measurement science and instrumentation. All the manuscripts are written in English. The English abstract is in greater detail. For Chinese authors, it is crucial to add the title, abstract, keywords and other information in Chinese at the end of the manuscript. Make sure that the right terms are used in the abstract.

1. How to contribute

Please submit your manuscript to our online submission system:

2. What we accept

1)Academic papers that are innovative in theory and/or application;comprehensive reviews on a theory or technology;academic developments in measurement sciences and instruments.

2)Manuscripts must give prominent focuses, concise expression, accurate citations and data, and clear graphics. They must indicate the author´s name, affiliation, city and postal code, a summary of content and keywords, and the source of funding for the research presented.

3)Quantities and units must be in accordance with the Chinese national standard, Quantities and Units.

4)All references cited must be published books or articles. Citations must follow the “comprehensive, timely, representative, impartial” principle. Please pay attention to the quality of the references and cite research outputs in a proper proportion.

5)Words, figures, tables and values contained in the manuscript must not involve any state secrets. Manuscripts or works must pass the confidentiality review by the confidentiality review department of the author's organization before they can be submitted to us. Any confidentiality issues will be at the cost and risk of the author.

3. How we review

We evaluate and accept manuscripts on the principle of fairness and justice. Manuscripts are preliminarily reviewed by the editorial office, then reviewed by subject editor and peer-reviewed (by 2 or more peer reviewers), and finally reviewed by the associate editor-in-chief and editor-in-chief.

Note: All JMSI submissions are checked for plagiarism by the software CrossCheck, powered by iThenticate.

The peer review process is shown in the figure below(dotted lines indicate a non-mandatory step).

4. Manuscript query

Upon receipt of your manuscript, the editorial office will assign a registration number to it. Please log into the Author Center in our online submission system to track the process of the submitted manuscript or call the editorial office for any doubts.

5. Matters for attention

1) Please read and comply with the“Duties of authors”section of the Publication Ethics of our website before submitting manuscripts to avoid academic misconduct.

2) JMSI-template is provided for manuscripts. Tables and figures should be presented within the main body of the manuscript; Furthermore, figures should additionally be uploaded as high resolution files.

3) Upon acceptance of an article, authors will be asked to complete an 'Open Access Licence Agreement'. An e-mail will be sent to the corresponding author confirming receipt of the manuscript together with an 'Open Access Licence Agreement' form or a link to the online version of this agreement. Please note that the title, author, author's affiliation and funding will not be changed once the paper is accepted.

4) Publishing fee. This journal is a peer reviewed, subsidized open access journal by North University of China, and authors do not have to pay any open access publication fee until 2026. Peer review is under the responsibility of the Publishing Center of North University of China.

6. Contact information of the editorial office

If you have any problem about submitting a manuscript, please contact the editorial office.

Address: No. 3, Xueyuan Road, Jiancaoping District, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China

Postal code: 030051

Telephone: +86 351 3923306


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