国际设备工程与管理(英文版)(International Journal of Plant Engineering and Management)(可网站投稿)

《国际设备工程与管理(英文版)》(International Journal of Plant Engineering and Management)(季刊),由西北工业大学主办并向国内外公开发行。设备工程与管理是一门综合性的交叉学科,它的特点是以工为主,工管结合;以机为主,机电结合。并涉及到技术、经济及管理等方面的相关内容。报导重点在于对各种设备的一生(从设计、制造、销售、采购、安装、高度、改造、更新以至报废)通坟技术经济与管理的手段使设备的寿命周期费用最经济、综合效率最高。




出版周期:季刊 级别:国级期刊
国际标准刊号:ISSN 1007-4546






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《国际设备工程与管理》是国家科委批准的学术性英文季刊(ISSN 1007-4546,CN61-1299/TB)。由西北工业大学主办并向国内外公开发行。本刊特点是以工为主,工管结合;以机为主,机电结合。并涉及到技术、经济及管理等方面的相关内容,2012年获得教育部科技司颁发的“中国高校优秀科技期刊奖”。



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Reference list examples:

1. For journal articles

Hengartner M G. The biochemistry of apoptosis. Nature, 2000, 407(6805):770-775. [doi:10.1038/35037710]

Schroder W J, Zerge J A, Lorensen W E. Decimation of triangle meshes. ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics, 1992, 26(2):65-70. [doi:10.1145/142920.134010]

2. For proceedings

Gorini S, Quirini M, Menciassi A, et al. A novel SMA-based actuator for a legged endoscopic capsule. First IEEE/RAS-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, Pisa, Italy. IEEE, Piscataway, USA, 2006: 443-449. [doi:10.1109/BIOROB.2006.1639128]

3. For whole books/monographs or chapters in edited books

Gregersen H. Biomechanics of the Gastrointestinal Tract. People's Medical Publishing House, Beijing, China, 2006, 216-236 (in Chinese).

Prigogine I. Order through fluctuation: self-organization and social system. In: Jantsch, E., Waddington, C. (Eds.), Evolution and Consciousness: Human Systems in Transition. Addison-Wesley, London, 1976, 93-134.

4. For theses

Rizvi U H. Combined Multiple Transmit Antennas and Multi-level Modulation Techniques. MS Thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, 2006.

5. For reports

Sweeney L. Uniqueness of Simple Demographics in the U.S. Population. Technical Report No. LIDAP-WP4, Laboratory for International Data Privacy, Carnegie Mellon University, PA, 2000.

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