CANADIAN JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY-REVUE CANADIENNE D ERGOTHERAPIE《加拿大职业治疗杂志》(一年5期). The mission of The Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy is to provide a forum for leading-edge occupational therapy scholarship that advances theory, practice, research, and policy. The vision is to be a high-quality scholarly journal that is at the forefront of the science of occupational therapy and a destination journal for the top scholars in the field, globally.

  • 参考译名《加拿大职业治疗杂志》
  • 核心类别SSCI(2024版),SCIE(2024版),目次收录(维普),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率
  • 主要研究方向医学-REHABILITATION 康复医学

主要研究方向:等待设置主要研究方向医学-REHABILITATION 康复医学



出版周期:年5期 级别:加拿大


出版地址:2455 TELLER RD, THOUSAND OAKS, USA, CA, 91320


Manuscript Submission Guidelines:

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Author Guidelines / Directives à l’intention des auteurs

Manuscripts that have not been previously submitted to CJOT, are not currently under review elsewhere, and follow the CJOT author guidelines will be considered for review.

Les manuscrits n’ayant pas été soumis antérieurement à la RCE, qui ne sont pas en cours d’examen dans une autre revue et qui sont conformes aux directives à l’intention des auteurs de la RCE seront pris en considération pour le processus d’examen par les pairs.

CJOT Author Guidelines:

Directives à l’intention des auteurs de la RCE :

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The Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy was first published in September 1933. Since that time, it has fostered advancement and growth in occupational therapy scholarship.

Mission: To provide a forum for leading-edge occupational therapy scholarship that advances theory, practice, research, and policy.

Vision: To be a high-quality scholarly journal that is at the forefront of the science of occupational therapy and a destination journal for the top scholars in the field, globally.

Scope: Consistent with its mission and vision, the principal contents of the journal are empirical findings and theoretical/conceptual arguments pertaining to occupation-based, client-centred enablement that advance theory, practice, research, and policy. We do not publish education research or papers that are purely methodological.

Any methods papers must present a newly constructed methodology and its relevancy to occupational therapy research, or a pre-existing methodology that has been applied to occupation-based research, offering new insights, along with relevant data from that study. International submissions are encouraged if the content is grounded in Canadian literature or relevant to Canadian occupational therapy practitioners.

Type of submissions: The majority of the papers are full-length empirical studies across the full range of methodologies. Registered RCT protocols and theoretical papers and conceptual reviews that provide a new and critical perspective on a topic of relevance to occupation-based, client-centred practice are also encouraged. The journal also publishes brief reports presenting preliminary empirical findings or theoretical/conceptual arguments that have the potential to inform future research in occupational therapy. Letters to the editor that encourage critical and considered discussions on topics published within, or are of relevance to, the CJOT audience are encouraged. Invited book reviews and commentaries are published on occasion.

Language: As CJOT is an English/French bilingual journal. Articles are published in the language of submission with the title, key words, and abstract translated into the other language.

Ethical publishing: CJOT is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and follows its guidelines for ethical publishing. Authors are strongly encouraged to review the COPE guidelines and those of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), specifically with respect to authorship. Please see the April 2015 CJOT editorial for further information and links to relevant materials contained within it. All research involving human subjects—whether primary or secondary data is used—require proof of ethical approval to be uploaded to the CJOT site. As of June 1, 2015, iThenticate will be applied randomly to approximately 10% of submitted manuscripts to check for use of previously published material that has not been cited correctly. Any manuscripts found to contain plagiarized phrasing will be (a) unsubmitted from the review process and the authors will be asked to comply with the COPE guidelines, or (b) rejected for publication in CJOT if large amounts of plagiarized material, text and/or data, are found.


Types of Manuscripts

Manuscripts are divided into four categories for review purposes: (1a) full-length research – quantitative/mixed methods; (1b) full-length research – qualitative; (2) brief research report; (3) non-research manuscript (brief or full length); and (4) RCT Protocols.

1. Full-Length Research submissions must present new and important knowledge that has the potential to advance occupational therapy theory, practice, research, and policy through the (a) presentation of original research; or (b) critical review of existing evidence through systematic reviews, meta-analyses, or meta-syntheses. Scoping and rapid reviews will be considered.

a. Quantitative/mixed methods: This type of submission must have an abstract using the required headings and 3 to 5 key words that are different than the title. The manuscript must contain a brief separate introductory paragraph outlining the rationale and purpose of the paper, a strong up-to-date background/literature review, a strong rationale, and a clearly stated research question(s), purpose, and hypotheses, as relevant. The method section must clearly state the study design prior to describing the participants, recruitment, data collection, and data analysis. Strategies used for maintaining rigour must be discussed. A discussion section that presents the new knowledge derived from this study and compares it to published works, as well as implications for practice/policy, limitations, and future research, must be included as well as distinct conclusion and key messages sections.

b. Qualitative: This type of submission must have an abstract using required headings and 3 to 5 key words that are different than the title. The manuscript must contain a brief separate introductory paragraph outlining the rationale and purpose of the paper, a strong up-todate background/literature review as relevant to methodology used, a strong rationale, and clearly stated research question(s). The method section must clearly state/describe the paradigm and approach/design prior to describing the participants, recruitment, data collection, and data analysis. Strategies used for maintaining rigour and a discussion of the positionality of the researcher(s)/author(s) must be provided. A discussion section that presents the new knowledge derived from this study and compares it to published works, as well as implications for practice/policy, limitations, and future research, must be included as well as distinct conclusion and key messages sections.

2. Brief Research Report submissions must present information and ideas that have the potential to identify promising new directions for thinking in occupational therapy theory, practice, research, and policy. Brief research reports are used to share (a) empirical findings from small scale pilot, preliminary, or exploratory research; or (b) research addressing focused questions with relevance to only a very specific sub-group or setting.

Brief research reports must include the same sections as describe above in the full-length research manuscript. The difference is the focus of the manuscript and the detail provided. It is expected that enough detail will be provided for the readers to understand the research.

References to other work without detailed explanation can be used to minimize the length of text.

3. Non-Research Manuscript submissions must present an important, new, and critical perspective that has the potential to advance occupation-based, client-centred occupational therapy theory, practice, or research or to offer insights into policies that affect the profession, its members, or occupational therapy clients. These manuscripts can be full or brief in length.

Full-length or brief

 development of new conceptual and theoretical ideas not previously presented in any disciplinary literature;

 thorough critique discussing strengths and limitations and refinement of existing conceptual and theoretical ideas from within or outside of occupational therapy;

 critical analysis of positions or policies relevant to occupational therapy.

Brief only

 introduction to NEW methodologies or methods (not just new to occupational therapy) demonstrating relevance and direct application to occupational therapy; or

 description of empirically and/or theoretically derived programs/intervention protocols.

Non-research manuscripts must minimally include an abstract using the required headings, an introduction, and distinct conclusion and key messages sections. The specifics of the sections in the main body will depend on the topic being discussed but the main body content must present and critique the literature in the area, discuss its implications, and the limitations of the critique.

4. RCT Protocol submissions must present the details of a registered RCT protocol that is relevant to occupation-based, client-centred practice. Note, results of an RCT are submitted under the category1a. Full-Length Research: Quantitative/mixed methods.

Authors are encouraged to contact the editor at if they have questions about the category of submission best suited to their materials.

Ethics Requirements

ALL research involving human participants or data originally generated from human participants (e.g., chart reviews, program evaluations, secondary data analyses) REQUIRES institutional review board or external review board ethical approval. If an IRB does not require approval for secondary data analysis or expert opinion, a letter from the IRB chair stating this must be provided to the editor-in-chief. A copy of ALL relevant ethics approval documents MUST be downloaded into the system before it will be considered for preliminary review – no exceptions. Manuscripts requiring ethical approval that are submitted without proof of ethics approval will be automatically UNSUBMITTED and authors will be asked to upload the relevant documents before the preliminary review will be initiated.

Funding Information Requirements

All funding received for work described within a submitted manuscript must be acknowledged in the funding disclosure section. Provide the name of the funder, the grant number, and the name of the principal investigator as applicable.

To comply with the guidance for research funders, authors and publishers issued by the Research Information Network (RIN), CJOT additionally requires all authors to acknowledge their funding in a consistent fashion under a separate heading, “Funding”. Please visit Funding Acknowledgements on the SAGE Journal Author Gateway to confirm the format of this text in the event of funding or state in the funding disclosure section that: “This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.”



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