精准临床医学(英文)(Precision Clinical Medicine)(不收版面费审稿费)(可网站投稿)

《精准临床医学(英文)》(Precision Clinical Medicine)(季刊),创刊于2018年6月,由中华人民共和国教育部主管,四川大学主办,四川大学华西医院与牛津大学出版社(OUP)合作出版的英文医学专业开放获取(OA)期刊。发表高水平的原创性研究、临床试验、综述、短篇报道、述评、文章评论、热点评论、病案报告及临床实践等多类型文章,学科范围涵盖精准医学的各方面,重点报道个体化医学创新诊断、治疗及预防等方面的最新进展。


精准临床医学(英文)(Precision Clinical Medicine)


出版周期:季刊 级别:国级期刊
国际标准刊号:ISSN2096-5303;EISSN 2516-1571





(Precision Clinical Medicine)期刊简介



期刊名称:《精准临床医学(英文)》(Precision Clinical Medicine)













《精准临床医学(英文)》(Precision Clinical Medicine)是由四川大学主办,四川大学华西医院与牛津大学出版社(OUP)合作出版的英文医学专业开放获取(OA)期刊, 主编为四川大学华西医院院长李为民教授。该刊于2016年获得 “中国科技期刊国际影响力提升计划”D类项目支持,于2018年6月创刊,季刊,发表高水平的原创性研究、临床试验、综述、短篇报道、述评、文章评论、热点评论、病案报告及临床实践等多类型文章,学科范围涵盖精准医学的各方面,重点报道个体化医学创新诊断、治疗及预防等方面的最新进展。PCM是国内在精准医学领域中第一本以“precision medicine”为关键词命名的英文期刊,其创办可填补精准医学领域的空白,有助于快速推广相关研究成果应用于精准治疗与精准诊断,促进国际学术交流,提高我国精准医学领域的国际影响力和竞争力。该刊组建了60余人的国际编委团队,包括3位诺贝尔奖获得者,国内外院士比例达27%;国际编委比例达79%,主要分布于美国、英国、德国和澳大利亚。目前该刊以每期专题/专栏形式出版,反映该领域最新研究成果和热点。美国科学院院士Michael Karin教授发表在PCM上的综述《非病毒性肝细胞癌的发病机制与治疗的新见解:免疫抑制与免疫监视之间的平衡》(New insights into the pathogenesis and treatment of non-viral hepatocellular carcinoma: a balancing act between immunosuppression and immunosurveillance)入选“2019年中华医学百篇优秀论文”。



期刊网站: https://academic.oup.com/pcm

期刊官微: PrecisionClinMed ;

期刊新浪微博: PrecisionClinicalMedicine


(Precision Clinical Medicine)作者须知


Instructions to Authors


Submission / How to contact the editorial office

PCM follows Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals by ICMJE. All manuscripts are submitted and reviewed via the journal's web-based manuscript submission system. New authors should create an account prior to submitting a manuscript for consideration. Questions about submitting to the journal should be sent to the editorial office at pcm@precisionclinmed.com.

Manuscript Types

Manuscript Type Definition

Research Article Word limit*: ≥3000

Abstract: Preferably structured, no more than 250 words

Figures and/or tables: ≤6

Description: Research articles provide new knowledge based on original research in basic and clinical medicine, These articles require appropriate statistical analyses. Systematic reviews/Meta-analyses (following the PRISMA guideline) are also acceptable/encouraged in this category.

Clinical Trial Word limit*: ≥3000

Abstract: Structured and no more than 250 words

Figures and/or tables: ≤6

Description: Clinical trials include experiments or observations in clinical research. For randomised clinical trials, the trail registration information (registry name, trial ID, and URL) must be listed at the end of the abstract. The manuscript should follow corresponding guidelines (eg. CONSORT for RCTs and STROBE for observational studies).

Methodology Word limit*: ~2000

Abstract: one-paragraph abstract and no more than 250 words

Description: Methodology articles provide a brief description and results of a systematic, theoretical analysis of the methods/techniques applied to clinical or basic research in all subjects within the publication scope of Precision Clinical Medicine. These are typically exploratory feasibility studies.

Review Word limit*: ≥4000

Abstract: one-paragraph abstract and no more than 250 words

Description: Review articles should be focused, comprehensive, in-depth and evidence-based review of the available scientific information on a topic of interest, clinical or mechanistic.

Case Report Word limit*: ~2000

Abstract: one-paragraph abstract and no more than 250 words

Description: A Case Report describes one to three cases or a single family of clinical interest or significance. Case Reports should be particularly original, such as the “first” cases of a disease or condition. The manuscript should follow CARE guidelines.

Clinical Practice Word limit*: ~2000

Figures and/or tables: ≤4

Abstract: one-paragraph abstract and no more than 250 words

Description: Clinical Practices are small-scale clinical research or clinical utilization of novel technology.

Short Communication Word limit*: ~2000

Figures and/or tables: ≤4

Abstract: one-paragraph abstract and no more than 250 words

Description: Short Communications are comparatively short literature-based discussion on a topic, like a miniature review, on a topic of interest, clinical or mechanistic with an emphasis on emerging new concepts, findings and theoretical frameworks.

Perspective Word limit*: ≤1200

Figures and/or tables: ≤1

References: No more than 10

Abstract: no abstract

Description: A brief point-of-view article with an emphasis on emerging new concepts, findings and theoretical frameworks.

Commentary Word limit*: ≤1200

Figures and/or tables: ≤1

References: No more than 10

Abstract: no abstract

Description: Commentaries are for a reader's comments or responses on a relevant topic or a recently published article.

Correspondence Word limit*: ≤1200

Figures and/or tables: ≤1

Abstract: no abstract

References: No more than 10

Description: A brief and timely report of a data-supported conclusion about a mechanistic or clinical issue of interest. The manuscript begins with “Dear editor,” followed by a background explanation and the main findings of the authors.

Editorial Word limit*: ~1000

Abstract: no abstract

Description: Editorials are the voice of Precision Clinical Medicine. These are usually written by Editors-in-Chief/editors, to succinctly explain the importance of an original research report in the context of other work in the field.

* the main body of the text excluding the abstract, title page, tables, figure legends and references.

Peer review process

All submissions to the journal are initially reviewed by one of the Editors. At this stage manuscripts may be rejected without peer review if it is felt that they are not of high enough priority or not relevant to the journal. This fast rejection process means that authors are given a quick decision and do not need to wait for the review process.

Manuscripts that are not instantly rejected are sent out for single blind peer review, usually to at least two independent reviewers. Based on the feedback from these reviewers and the Editors' judgment a decision is given on the manuscript. The average time from submission to first decision is four weeks.

If a paper is not acceptable in its present form, we will pass on suggestions for revisions to the author.

If one of the authors of a manuscript is an editor of the journal, that editor will be blinded from the whole editorial process for the manuscript, and this will be acknowledged in the conflict of interest statement of the published paper.

Language Editing Pre-submission

Language editing, particularly if English is not your first language, can be used to ensure that the academic content of your paper is fully understood by the journal editors and reviewers. Please note that edited manuscripts will still need to undergo peer-review by the journal. For further information, please visit the Language Services webpage.


Authors should observe high standards with respect to publication ethics as set out by the Commission on Publication Ethics (COPE). Falsification or fabrication of data, plagiarism, including duplicate publication of the authors' own work without proper citation, and misappropriation of the work are all unacceptable practices. Any cases of ethical misconduct are treated very seriously and will be dealt with in accordance with the COPE guidelines.


Manuscripts submitted to Precision Clinical Medicine may be screened with iThenticate anti-plagiarism software in an attempt to detect and prevent plagiarism. Any manuscript may be screened, especially if there is reason to suppose part or all of the text has been previously published. Prior to final acceptance any manuscript that has not already been screened may be put through iThenticate. More information about iThenticate.

Consent from patients

Papers reporting experiments on patients or healthy volunteers must record the fact that the subjects' consent was obtained according to the Declaration of Helsinki and that it has been approved by the ethical committee of the institution in which the work was performed. Consent must be also recorded when photographs of patients are shown or other details are given that could lead to identification of these individuals.

Animal research

The ARRIVE guidelines must be followed when preparing manuscripts for Precision Clinical Medicine. Experiments with animals should be performed in accordance with the legal requirements of the relevant local or national authority and the name of the authorizing body should be stated in the paper. Procedures should be such that experimental animals do not suffer unnecessarily. The text of the paper should include experimental details of the procedure and of anaesthetics used. The journal reserves the right to reject papers where the ethical aspects are, in the Editor's opinion, open to doubt.

Third-party copyright

In order to reproduce any third party material, including tables, figures, or images, in an article authors must obtain permission from the copyright holder and be compliant with any requirements the copyright holder may have pertaining to this reuse. When seeking to reproduce any kind of third party material authors should request the following:

non-exclusive rights to reproduce the material in the specified article and journal;

print and electronic rights, preferably for use in any form or medium;

the right to use the material for the life of the work; and

world-wide English-language rights.

It is particularly important to clear permission for use in both the print and online versions of the journal, and we are not able to accept permissions which carry a time limit because we retain journal articles as part of our online journal archive.




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