创新光学健康科学杂志(英文)(Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences)(可官网投稿)

《创新光学健康科学杂志(英文)》(Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences)(双月刊),2019年获批国内统一连续出版物号,由教育部主管,华中科技大学主办,新加坡世界科学出版社和华中科技大学《创新光学健康科学杂志(英文)》编辑部共同出版。办刊宗旨为刊载生物医学光子学领域的新理论、新进展、新成果,促进国内外学术交流,推动光子学技术在生物医学领域的研究应用,提高我国在该领域的科研水平和国际影响力。内容包括但不限于:光子治疗学和诊断学、光学临床运用技术与系统、组织光学、激光生物组织相互作用和组织工程学、生物医学光谱学、高级显微和成像技术、纳米生物光子学和光学分子成像、多模式混合生物医学成像、微纳加工和医学微系统。


创新光学健康科学杂志(英文)(Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences)


出版周期:双月刊 级别:核心期刊





Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences

《Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences》(简称JIOHS)期刊由教育部主管,华中科技大学主办,新加坡世界科学出版社和华中科技大学《创新光学健康科学杂志(英文)》编辑部共同出版。该刊主编为海南大学校长、华中科技大学武汉光电国家研究中心主任骆清铭院士。JIOHS期刊已被SCI(IF1.661)、Ei、Scopus等数据库收录,且为开放获取(OA)期刊。该刊曾入选2018年中国科技期刊影响力提升计划D项目。






Submission Guidelines

Instructions to Authors

Scope. The Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences (JIOHS) serves as an international forum for the publication of the latest developments in all areas of photonics in biology and medicine. JIOHS will consider for publication original papers in all disciplines of photonics in biology and medicine, including but not limited to: photonic therapeutics and diagnostics, optical clinical technologies and systems, tissue optics, lasertissue interaction and tissue engineering, biomedical spectroscopy, advanced microscopy and imaging, nanobiophotonics and optical molecular imaging, multimodal and hybrid biomedical imaging, micro/nanofabrication, medical microsystems, optical coherence tomography and photodynamic therapy.

Review articles are generally invited articles. The invitation could be from the Editor-in-Chief, members of the editorial board, guest editors or the journal office. Authors who would like to submit review articles should first contact the journal office at jiohs@mail.hust.edu.cn.

JIOHS Article-Processing Charge

The Article-Processing Charge is USD750 per article. Please see the FAQs here for more information.

Electronic Submissions. Manuscripts must be submitted online via Editorial Manager (EM), a fully web-based submission, peerreview, and tracking system, at http://www.editorialmanager.com/jiohs/login.asp

If you are submitting via this new system for the first time, you will first be required to register. From the account you create, you will be able to monitor your submission and make subsequent submissions.

Ethics Policies:

Studies involving animals and human subjects/material:

Research involving animals and human subjects, material, or datasets must have been approved by an appropriate ethics committee or review board. The manuscript must include a statement identifying the committee approving the experiments and provide any relevant details. This information can be provided in the Materials and Methods section of the manuscript. An example sentence could be: "The protocols and handling of the animals had been approved by [insert the name of the ethics committee]." Documentation to support the ethics committee approval should be made available to the Editor upon request.

Where human subjects or patients are involved, informed consent to participate in the study should also be obtained from participants. A statement describing such informed consent should be included in the manuscript. Evidence to support the informed consent should be made available by the corresponding author to the Editor on request. The privacy rights of human subjects must always be observed.

The Editor reserves the right to reject a manuscript if the above are not adhered to.

Conflict of interest:

Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest (professional and/or financial) at the end of the manuscript. Financial support including any grants or support from companies should be mentioned in the Acknowledgments section.

Please complete the Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form provided below and submit the form(s) together with the manuscript to the online submission system. Select the item type "Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form" before uploading the disclosure form(s).

» Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form

For other general ethics guidelines, please refer to the "Ethical policy for journals" webpage.

Refereeing Process


All articles, including invited ones, will go through the same refereeing process. All articles are screened by the journal office first: articles not conforming to the journal style, and articles which are not suitable for publication in this journal, will be returned to the authors. All manuscripts submitted will be checked for plagiarism using the CrossCheck database. Then, the manuscript is assigned to a handling editor by the Editor-in-Chief. The handling editor will be in charge of sending the article out for peer review. Usually two referee reports are needed before a decision is made. The handling editor has the right to reject a paper. In the case that no suitable reviewers are found or invited reviewers have all declined to review the article, the manuscript may be returned to the authors.


When the refereeing process is done, the handling editor will review the referee report(s) and make a recommendation to accept, revise (major and minor revision) or reject the paper based on the referee report(s). In the case of proposed acceptance of the paper, the handling editor will forward his/her recommendation to the Editor-in-Chief who will make a final decision and notify the authors of the decision.


If a paper is initially rejected, the author has the right to request another review by a different referee. It is also possible for the author to appeal against the decision. The appeal should be submitted to the original handling editor and a copy has to be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief. The final decision whether to accept the paper will be made by the Editor-in-Chief in consultation with the other Editors.

Preparation of manuscript:

The journal template is available in Latex and Word. Please download the template files from the links near the bottom of this webpage.

Abstract and Keywords. The abstract should be self-contained (contains no footnotes) and should not exceed 250 words. Select about three to five keywords that do not duplicate words in the title. Composite words can be selected and will be counted as one keyword. Do not abbreviate keywords.





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