中国疾病预防控制中心周报(英文)(CCDC Weekly)(或:CHINA CDC WEEKLY)(可官网投稿)

《中国疾病预防控制中心周报(英文)》(CCDC Weekly)(周刊),创刊于2019年11月29日,主管单位为国家卫生健康委,主办单位为中国疾病预防控制中心,出版单位为中国疾病预防控制中心内设的《周报》编辑部。作为中国疾病预防控制中心发布权威专业信息的平台,及时发布国民健康状况、疾病及危险因素监测或调查数据以及重要公共卫生事件调查报告,发表中心对我国和全球健康问题的观点、对策和建议,报道国外相关研究与监测报告、综述、观点等,指导公共卫生和临床实践,充分发挥中心的专业影响力。

本刊特点:CSCD核心期刊(2023-2024),SSCI(2024版),SCIE(2024版), 科技核心期刊(2024自然科学),目次收录(维普),外文期刊,

中国疾病预防控制中心周报(英文)(CCDC Weekly)(或:CHINA CDC WEEKLY)


出版周期:周刊 级别:核心期刊





(CCDC Weekly)期刊介绍





《周报》包括每周定期出版的周报告(Weekly Reports)和不定期出版的系列报告(Serial Reports)。




(CCDC Weekly)作者须知


Instructions for Authors

For Authors

Thank you for your interest in submitting a report to CCDC Weekly. Please follow the steps below to ensure smooth processing of your submission.

1. Consult the Instructions

Before submitting a report, authors should carefully read and follow the instructions for submitting to the CCDC Weekly or Serial Publications (i.e. Recommendations, Surveillance Summary, and Supplements). Reports submitted to the CCDC Weekly that do not follow these instructions will be returned to the authors for rewriting and resubmission.

Weekly Publications Instructions Serial Publications Instructions

2. Use the Checklist

Before submitting your report, complete the appropriate checklist to ensure you have met all the criteria. The checklist will be included with your submission. Please note that Conflict of Interest Form and Evidence of China CDC Clearance should also be submitted with the checklist.

CCDC Weekly Publications Checklist Conflict of Interest Form  Evidence of China CDC Clearance

3. Submit Your Manuscript

CCDC Weekly uses ScholarOne Manuscripts for submission and tracking (manuscripts submitted via email will be returned). After submitting, you will receive an email with your manuscript number. Please use this manuscript number in all further correspondence.

CCDC Weekly ScholarOne Manuscripts

CCDC Weekly is an open access journal that allows for the free reading and redistribution of the articles.

If you have any questions, please contact

CCDC Weekly Instructions for Authors

Instructions for Authors

(Updated Oct 27, 2019)

I. Criteria for Publication

A. Compliance to Standards. The editorial and publication of the CCDC Weekly is subject to relevant laws, regulations and policy requirements for the editing and publishing of Chinese scientific journals. It also must follow guidance from the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.

B. Appropriateness. The CCDC Weekly’s Weekly Report is intended for readers in the public health community, including public health professionals and administrators, clinicians, researchers, teachers, students, and the news media. It focuses on publishing surveillance data analysis, large scale survey and research reports with public health policies and practical implications.

C. Originality. In principle, reports should not contain previously published information, guidelines or recommendations. However, reports can be published in conjunction with other academic journals under written agreement.

D. Scientific. Surveillance data analysis, survey and research reports published by CCDC Weekly should be based on accepted scientific analysis methods, should include sufficient data to interpret the public health implications and give recommendations for further public health practice.

E. Timeliness. Reports should contain the most current data from surveys, surveillance systems or studies. Reports on in progress or recently completed investigations have higher priority for publication. In principle, data from outbreaks should be reported within ten months, and surveillance and other data should be reported within three years.

F. Clarity. Reports should adhere to principles of plain language with minimal use of acronyms and initialisms. All reports have a limit on the number of words, figures, tables, and references.

II. Types of Reports

The following types of reports are published in CCDC Weekly Reports:

A) Preplanned Studies

B) Outbreak Reports

C) Policy Notes

D) Notes from the Field

E) Vital Surveillances

F) Healthy China

G) Recollection and Reflection

H) Review and Perspective

I) Announcements and Notices to Readers

J) Notifiable Infectious Diseases Reports

K) Methods and Applications

A. Preplanned Studies

A preplanned study report is a report on a national or regional survey or a special study on important public health issues. The recommendations in the report should be able to guide future public health practice. In principle, pre-planned studies should be no longer than 1,400 words and include no more than 10 references, three total tables, figures, and/or boxes.

(TIPS: The most prominent feature of Weekly reports is simplicity. These reports are intended only to summarize the analysis and recommendations and not to provide every detail. The strict 10-reference rule is intended to limit the scope of the report. A good test for simplicity is whether, in a sentence or two, you can tell a casual reader what the report is about and what should be done.)




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