植物通讯(英文)(Plant Communications)(可网站投稿)

《植物通讯(英文)》(Plant Communications)(双月刊),创刊于2020年1月,2023获批CN刊号,是由中国科学院分子植物科学卓越创新中心与中国植物生理与植物分子生物学学会共同主办的学术期刊。主要发表具有深入分析和前瞻性观点的综述文章,较高水平的研究论文以及技术方法和资源性论文。


植物通讯(英文)(Plant Communications)


出版周期:双月刊 级别:核心期刊
国际标准刊号:ISSN 2590-3462


官方微信公众号:Mol Plant植物科学(Molplant2019)


《植物通讯(英文)》(Plant Communications)期刊介绍

【微信公众号“Mol Plant植物科学”信息】

Mol Plant植物科学 2020-01-14



作为Molecular Plant的姊妹刊,Plant Communications通过与Cell Press合作出版,致力于成为具有广泛国际影响力的植物科学领域高水平开放获取式期刊.


自2008年创刊以来,Molecular Plant经过12年的发展取得了可喜的成绩,发表了一系列重要研究成果,收到越来越多的优秀稿件。作为其姊妹刊,Plant Communications 将更具广谱性、发表植物科学所有相关领域的重要研究成果。


Plant Communications将延续Molecular Plant 已经形成的所有特点,包括论文提交简单化,快速公正的审稿并给出建设性意见、快速在线发表、高质量的编辑排版以及开放获取的形式论文发布。

Molecular Plant和Plant Communications已使用相同的投审稿系统Editorial Manager,有助于期刊间稿件的直接transfer。Plant Communications 将主要发表具有深入分析和前瞻性观点的综述文章,较高水平的研究论文以及技术方法和资源性论文。


除了创刊号社论(Editorial)外, 在创刊号中Plant Communications 共发表了14篇论文,包括9篇综述,4篇研究论文和1篇资源性论文,涵盖了植物科学领域的许多研究热点,阐释了植物科学的复杂性与多样性及对农业和全球生态系统的重要性。

Plant Communications创刊号阅读地址






Information for authors

As a Cell Press partner journal and sister to Molecular Plant, Plant Communications is launched as a full open access platform dedicated to publishing important research advances on all aspects of plant sciences. The journal uses the online submission system, Editorial Manager, to process all the manuscript submissions. If you are not familiar with this system, please read the guide for Editorial Manager. Complete guidelines for preparing and submitting the manuscript to Plant Communications are provided below.

Editorial evaluation timeline

Plant Communications uses single-blind peer review. All submissions to Plant Communications are initially evaluated by in-house professional scientific editors. Submissions that are deemed not appropriate for publication after initial evaluations will be returned to authors without external reviews, typically within 7 working days. Manuscripts selected for external reviews will be typically evaluated by two or three reviewers for each manuscript. The editors will make every effort to ensure timely reviews and communicate an editorial decision in about 4-5 weeks after the receipt of the manuscript.

If publication is contingent on a revision, the handling editor will evaluate the reviewers' comments and provide specific guidance on the revision. In general, 1 month will be given to manuscripts that require minor revisions and 3 months for those that require major revisions.

The same reviewers who reviewed the previous version will typically evaluate the revised manuscript. However, in some cases, the editor may find it appropriate or necessary to recruit new reviewers. There is no time limit for resubmission of previously rejected manuscripts, but any conceptual advance and significance are evaluated based on the literature available on the day of the final decision, not the day of submission.

Typically, accepted papers will be published online within 7 days and in print within 3 months after acceptance. Any major changes after acceptance are subject to review and may delay publication.

Manuscripts authored by a member of the Editorial Board

Manuscripts authored by Editors or members of the Editorial Board are handled with the same editorial process and high degree of confidentiality as submissions from all other authors. All possible measures are undertaken to avoid any potential conflict of interest in handling of such manuscripts at all the stages, including allocation of handling Editor, selection of reviewers, decision making, and, if required, processing for publication.

Procedure for appeals

To appeal an editorial decision you have received from Plant Communications, please email the editorial office, summarizing the scientific basis on which you wish you appeal and including the manuscript number in the subject line of your email. The handing editor and, as needed, editorial team will consider your appeal and respond to you once they have done so. Please note that when your paper is under appeal at Plant Communications, we regard it as being under active consideration, so please let us know immediately if you decide to submit to another journal instead.

Presubmission inquiries

Plant Communications welcomes authors to send presubmission inquiries regarding suitability of their manuscripts. Such inquiries should include a significance statement of the research or review paper, plus a title page containing author information, abstract and key figures (with legends) of the manuscript. All presubmission inquiries should be sent to plantcom@sippe.ac.cn.

Status inquiries

Once submitted, the status of a manuscript will be indicated as “under review” soon after the initial format check, until a decision is made on this paper. All inquiries on review status of a submission should be directed to plantcom@sippe.ac.cn.

Manuscript transfer

Plant Communications is editorially independent from Molecular Plant and other Cell Press journals. If a manuscript is rejected by Molecular Plant or other Cell Press journals and authors are interested in Plant Communications, we welcome authors to transfer their rejected manuscript to Plant Communications for consideration. If authors receive a decision that includes an invitation for manuscript transfer, the email will contain links allowing authors to accept or decline the invitation. The acceptance link will enable authors to automatically transfer the rejected manuscript (with or without previous reviews) to Plant Communications. If there is no such an invitation in the decision, authors may contact the editor of the original journal for exploring this possibility. In many cases, the Editors of Plant Communications may be able to reach a decision based on the existing reviews without further reviews in a few weeks. If additional experiments or major revisions are required, the Editors may seek comments from additional reviewers. The authors are also allowed or sometimes requested by the Editors to edit the manuscript files before or after the manuscript is transferred.

As always, the authors are also welcome to manually submit their rejected manuscript to Plant Communications without mentioning the first review process. In this case, the manuscript will be evaluated as a regular new submission. Please visit https://www.cell.com/articletransfer for the details about manuscript transfer.

Editorial policies

All manuscripts are considered by Plant Communications with the understanding that no part of the work has been published previously, and the work is not under consideration elsewhere. All in press or submitted works that are pertinent to the manuscript under consideration by Plant Communications (including those cited in the manuscript under consideration) must accompany the submission. Related manuscripts that have been submitted elsewhere during the period of revision must accompany the revised manuscript. Failure to provide copies of related manuscripts under consideration elsewhere may delay the review process and result in rejection of the submission. Under no circumstances will Plant Communications consider a manuscript that contains data that have been submitted for publication elsewhere. All the submitted manuscripts for publication are checked for plagiarism after submission and before review.

Preprint servers

Plant Communications is happy to consider papers previously posted on preprint servers such as bioRxiv. This policy only applies to the originally submitted version of the paper, and Plant Communications does not support posting of revised manuscripts that contain editorial input and peer reviews or posting of the final published version to preprint servers. Also, our prepublication publicity policies with regard to coverage in the broader media still apply to studies posted on preprint servers.


Corresponding author

The corresponding author(s) is responsible for ensuring that all appropriate contributors are listed as authors and that all listed authors have agreed to the manuscript's content and its submission to Plant Communications. When an authorship dispute occurs, it must be resolved and approved in writing by all parties before the manuscript is processed further. Multiple corresponding authors are allowed for a single submission, but at least one corresponding author should be responsible for ensuring adherence to all editorial and submission policies and for timely communication and action.

Co-authorship designations

In addition to the corresponding author(s), in recognition of increasingly collaborative studies, up to two additional co-senior authors may be designated. All co-senior authors will be identified by a numeric footnote in the affiliation list (e.g., "5Co-senior author"). Beyond co-senior and co-corresponding author designations (see above), co-authorship designations are only permitted for the first author position. There is no limitation on the number of authors that can be designated as co-first authors, but a description of each author's specific contribution must be provided in the author contributions section of the manuscript. All co-first authors will be identified by a numeric footnote in the affiliations list (e.g., "4Co-first author"). Addition or removal of author names after submission is not allowed unless it is justified under exceptional circumstances where a satisfactory explanation for the proposed change will have to be provided. Plant Communications will also require a letter of consent from any person whose name has been removed to verify that the removed author agrees to such an action.


As the complexity and interdisciplinary nature of science evolve, so do the networks of collaborations both within and between labs. Because the author list in a manuscript can be insufficient for conveying this increasingly complex information, we ask authors to include information about the specific contributions of each author in a dedicated Author Contributions section. For more information, please see "author contributions" under "preparation of specific sections" below.




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