东北农业大学学报(英文版)(Journal of Northeast Agricultural University(English Edition))(可网站投稿)

《东北农业大学学报(英文版)》(Journal of Northeast Agricultural University(English Edition))(季刊),杂志于1994年创办,经新闻出版总署批准的正规刊物,是由东北农业大学主办的刊物。本刊主要刊登农学、园艺、植保、资环、动物科学、动物医学、农业工程、农业水利、生物工程、食品科学、基础学科等方面的科研学术论文,及国内外有关学科符合本刊宗旨及办刊内容的论文。本刊已在科技期刊界享有较高的声誉和地位,曾先后多次荣获国家和省级的“优秀科技期刊”奖。核心栏目:研究报告、科技进展、科技论坛。




出版周期:季刊 级别:省级期刊
国际标准刊号:ISSN 1006-8104






1. 总体要求:符合本刊宗旨,反映国内、国际高水平的科学技术研究成果;论点明确,论证充分,数据可靠,结构严密,文字精炼。

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4. 题目:一般不超过20个字。

5. 摘要、关键词:主要反映论文研究目的、方法、结果和结论。关键词3~8个。

6. 正文标题层次:层次尽量减少,各层次一律用阿拉伯数字编号,如1,1.1,2.1,2.1.1等,所有的标题号均左顶格后空一字写标题。

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9. 参考文献:请详见本刊网站“文后参考文献著录规则”。

10. 注意事项:请勿一稿多投。来稿录用与否,自投稿之日起3个月内予以通知。来稿文责自负,本刊编辑部对来稿可作文字修改、删节。来稿无论用否恕不退稿。来稿通过本刊初审,同意录用后请先交纳审稿费,然后送审。来稿录用后,收取版面费,并付稿酬(包括光盘版、网络版的稿酬),赠送当期样刊两册,寄送第一作者。



Instruction to Authors

Aims and Scope Journal of Northeast Agricultural University (English Edition) is a comprehensive academic journal on agricultural sciences sponsored by Northeast Agricultural University and distributed worldwide. It is a peer reviewed journal published quarterly and mainly publishes review and research articles that reflect the latest achievements on crop science, horticulture, plant protection, resource and environment, animal science, veterinary medicine, agricultural engineering and technology, agricultural water conservancy, life science, biotechnology and food science.

Copyright All rights reserved to Journal of Northeast Agricultural University (English Edition). Submission of a manuscript implies that the submitted work has not been published before (except as part of a thesis or lecture note or report, or in the form of an abstract); that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere; that its publication has been approved by all co-authors as well as by the authorities at the institute where the work has been carried out; that, if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors hand over the transferable copyrights of the accepted manuscript to Northeast Agricultural University, and that the manuscript or parts thereof will thus not be published elsewhere in any language without the consent of the copyright holder.

Copyrights include, without spatial or timely limitation, the mechanical, electronic and visual reproduction and distribution; electronic storage and retrieval; and all other forms of electronic publication or any other types of publication including all subsidiary rights.

Submission All manuscripts should be submitted online. An electronic file of a manuscript should be submitted to online contribution platform of the editorial department (http://dbyn.cbpt.cnki.net).

Editorial Department of Journal of Northeast Agricultural University (English Edition)

Contact: Su Jing-yan You Kai

Add: No. 600 Changjiang Road, Harbin 150030, Heilongjiang, China

Tel: +86-451-55191241


E-mail: xuebaoenglish@neau.edu.cn

Acceptance All accepted manuscripts have been reviewed by two independent reviewers chosen by the editor. Authors will generally be notified of acceptance, rejection, or need for revision within three months. The editor reserves the right to make modifications to improve the clarity of the text. When it is necessary to reject a manuscript, the editorial department will not return any materials.

Requirement All manuscripts should be well argued and precisely reasoned with the rigid structure and refinement words. The length of the article is within 4000-6000 words (not including tables, figures, and references).

Manuscript's sequence The manuscript should be arranged in the order of Title, Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements and References.

Title page The title page should be the first page and include a concise title of the article, full names and affiliations of the authors; the first author's name, birth date, gender, professional title, degree, research direction; and the corresponding author's name, professional title, supervisor of a Ph.D or a master candidate, research direction and E-mail; and the foundation support (Grant No.). For authors in China, a Chinese abstract is required. The title should be no more than 20 words.

Abstract and Key words The manuscript should include an abstract of no more than 500 words in length. The abstract should state the objectives, materials and methods, results and conclusions of the original articles. Three to eight key words should be provided.

Figures and Tables Figures and Tables in the article should be the necessary ones, and avoid duplication of information in the text. They should be numbered consecutively and separately, and accompanied by a concise title at the top. Place explanatory matter in footnotes.

Quantity and Units Legal metrological units should be used in the article, with the normative writing.

References All citing references should be cited at the end of the paper and author-publishing system is required. The following examples are for guidance. And the detailed information can refer to the Uniform Requirements for Submitted Manuscripts of the journal (http://publish.neau.edu.cn/xuebaoywb/index.asp).

Oatley J M, de Avila D M, McLean D J, et al. 2002. Transplantation of bovine germinal cells into mouse testes. J Anim Sci, 80(5): 1925-1931.

Ives J D. 1989. The Himalayan dilemma: reconciling development and conservation. Routledge, London. pp. 14-17.

Martin G. 1996. Control of electronic resources in Australia. In: Pattle L W, Cox B J. Electronic resources: selection and bibliographic control. The Haworth Press, New York. pp. 85-96.

Yufin S A. 2000. Geoecology and computers. In: Proceedings of the third international conference on advances of computer methods in geotechnical engineering. A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam. pp. 151-158.

Pan G J. 2005. The epidemic factor analysis and cultivation regulation of rice blast in early Japonica in Heilongjiang Province. Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang.

Ambion, Inc. 2004. Cancer-related miRNA uncovered by the mirVanaTM miRNA microarray. http://www.ambion.com/techlib/tn/121/4.html.

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