中国科学技术史(英文)(Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology)(不收版面费)(可网站投稿)

《中国科学技术史(英文)》(Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology)(半年刊),创办于2017年,由中国科学院主管,中国科学院自然科学研究所、中国科技出版传媒股份有限公司主办。CAHST以反映中国科技史研究最新成果、为中外学者提供交流平台为目标,致力于讲好独特的“中国故事”、理解中国与世界,推进中国科技史学术的国际化,提高中国科技史研究者在国际上的声音,为繁荣学术和激发创新作出贡献。




出版周期:半年刊 级别:国级期刊





(Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology)

Instructions for Authors

Aims and Scope

Chinese Annals o f History o f Science and Technology (CAHST) aims at further research on the formation and development of science and technology in China, and will disseminate the communication and interaction on science and technology between China and other parts of the world. CAHST encourages studies with different perspectives and approaches, especially interdisciplinary research and cross-cultural and transnational studies on the history of science and knowledge, including issues of dissemination and transformation that go beyond the Chinese tradition. We hope that CAHST will bring to the international academic community a new understanding of the diversity and global character of science and technology.

CAHST will publish longer research papers and reviews, but also specific studies on original documents and archaeological findings. Book reviews, review essays on previous research, and ongoing discussions and controversies on historiography or methodology are also welcomed. We aim to make each issue of this journal thematic, with more or less homogeneous subject matter.


Manuscripts should be submitted to the editorial office via email or in English or Chinese.

There are no page charges in Chinese Annals o f History o f Science and Technology.

Style Guide

1 Preparation of manuscripts

The manuscript should be prepared with a major word processing program and the file also submitted as a PDF (to clearly indicate all fonts). Please provide the author’s affiliation (address and email), an abstract of 150-300 words presenting the main arguments of the paper, 4-8 keywords, high-resolution figures (with permissions), acknowledgments and references.

“Documentation II: Author-Date References” in The Chicago Manual of Style and a back issue of the journal can be used as guides to prepare the manuscript.

2 Structure of the text

The text is divided into several sections and subsections with up to two levels of headings (not capitalized) as follows:

1 Main section

1.1,1.2,1.3 Subsection


The default font of the title, headings, subheadings, and main text body are Book Antiqua 16 pt, 12 pt, 11 pt, and 10 pt, respectively. The abstract, captions, citations, and references are set to Book Antiqua 9 pt. Apart from the first paragraph of each new section, the first line in each paragraph is indented 1.5 ch. The line spacing for all paragraphs is set at 1.2 li. Footnotes, rather than endnotes are used. The indentation of an offset citation is 1.5 ch on both sides, with no indentation on the first line.


The journal uses American English. Authors whose first language is not English may wish to have their manuscripts checked by a native speaker before submission.


Use the style (September 30, 2016). Write out centuries in full (e.g., “the twentieth century’’); the adjectival form of centuries is hyphenated, e.g., “twentieth-century art.” Decades are written as “1960s.” If specific periods (e.g., Warring States period), reigns (e.g., the reign of Emperor Kangxi) or dynasties are mentioned, then the specific dates are either placed in parentheses or given in the main text the first time they appear. For instance, “After the end of the Second Opium War in 1860,” and “During the Qing dynasty (1616-1911).,/


Write out in full any abbreviation or acronym that may not be familiar; if it is used again in the text, add the abbreviation in parenthesis at the first occurrence. The following abbreviations nb.r ca., d., fl., and x!’ are used for ”born, circa, died, floruit, and reigned,” respectively.


An en dash (-), not a hyphen (-), is used to indicate numerical spans (for instance, 618-621 and 1880-1945). An em dash ( —) is used to set off parenthetical statements.


An English translation of sources should be provided. The translated text should be followed in the running text by the original source placed in parentheses. If a longer block quotation is used, the original source text should be given in a footnote and enclosed in quotation marks, but not in parentheses or brackets.

Chinese language

The Chinese phonetic alphabet (Pinyin) is employed in the following cases: Chinese people’s names, place names, articles or book titles, and specific terms. (The Piny in is written in groups of phrases.) When the aforementioned words appear for the first time, Chinese characters should follow. For later appearances, only the English names are required if there are no similar ones used that may cause confusion. The following formats are adopted when the names, titles, or terms appear for the first time in an article:

Chinese names: Pinyin / Chinese, for example, Xu Guangqi 徐光啟(1562-1633). Chinese publication titles (in running text): English / Pinyin and Chinese in parenthesis, for example, History of Science and Technology in Pre-modern China (ZJwngguo kexue jishu sW中国科学技术史).

Chinese characters: Chinese quotations use traditional or simplified Chinese characters in accordance with the original texts.

Chinese place names: Pinyin / Chinese, for example, Erlitou 二里头•

Chinese quotations: English translation / Chinese quotation in parenthesis, for example, “what is so ingenious about this mechanism”(其造微之妙).

3 References

The journal follows the author-date reference system. The references can be given in a standard reference database and will then be formatted automatically. Otherwise, please follow the reference formatting guidelines below. Full references are listed at the end of the manuscript and the author-date abbreviation given in the main text in parentheses as follows:

• Two authors: (Yang and Li 2005,107)

• Three or more authors: (Yang et al. 2003, chap. 7)

• Multi-authored text by authors with the same surnames: (Yang and Yang 2005, fn. 3)

References are separated by semicolons in a single parenthetical citation, for instance, (Gey 1933; Landecker 2004; Landecker 2007).

The reference list is arranged in alphabetical order according to the authors’ surnames (or Chinese surnames given in Piny in). Documents by the same author are arranged in the order of year of publication. Publications in the same year are sequenced in the order of the initial words of the titles, with a, b, and c added (1963a, 1963b, etc.). Article titles are enclosed in quotation marks, while book or journal titles are written in italics. As for names of Chinese publishers, corresponding official English names are directly adopted, for instance, Science Press. Examples are:

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