本刊特点:CSCD核心期刊(2023-2024),高质量科技期刊(T1),SCIE(2024版), 科技核心期刊(2024自然科学),知网收录,目次收录(维普),目次收录(万方),第一批认定学术期刊,外文期刊,
出版周期:双月刊 级别:核心期刊
国际标准刊号:ISSN 2095-6037;EISSN2198-0934
电话:010-68408571;58993104; 68407634
Journal of Meteorological Research is an international academic journal in atmospheric sciences edited and published by Acta Meteorologica Sinica Press, sponsored by the Chinese Meteorological Society. It has been acting as a bridge of academic exchange between Chinese and foreign meteorologists and aiming at introduction of the current advancements in atmospheric sciences in China. The journal columns include Articles, Note atnd Correspondence, and research letters. Contributions from all over the world are welcome.
Manuscripts and communications relative to editorial matters should be sent to the Editorial Office of Journal of Meteorological Research, Chinese Meteorological Society, Beijing 100081, P. R. China; E-mail: cmsams@cms1924.org; Phone number: +86-10-68407634. Submission of a contribution is assumed to indicate that no similar paper, other than an abstract or preliminary report, has been, or will be, submitted for publication elsewhere. Please include your E-mail address, phone and fax numbers on the first page of the manuscript. The manuscript in MS word or PDF form should be submitted to http://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/acta-e.
Manuscripts should be submitted with regular margins and the pages must be numbered consecutively. Brevity and lucidity are encouraged and papers each consisting of less than 25 pages include figures, tables, and references are preferred. Each manuscript generally includes the following components: (1)title, author's name, affiliation; (2)abstract; (3)key words; (4)text; (5) acknowledgment.; (6) appendix; (7)references; and (8)tables and figures.
References should be arranged alphabetically without numbering at the end of the paper and the text citation should consist of the name of the author and the year of publication.
Figures should be mentioned specifically and numbered consecutively in the text. All the figures are preferably made about twice final size a.nd lettering should be large enough so that after reduction the smallest character will be at least l.5 nun high. Give a detailed caption to each figure and note the approximate location of each figure and its caption in the text.
Tables should be typed directly at the appropriate locations in the text and arranged successively with Arabic numerals.
Footnotes, other than those which refer to the title heading, should be nmnbered successively and placed at the foot of the page to which they refer (not at the end of the paper). The authors requested to reduce the use of footnotes to a minimum.
The International System of Units should be used throughout. Words and symbols should not be mixed; in general, symbols should be used only when preceded by a number. Unit symbols are not punctuated, i.e., they are not treated as abbreviation; the same symbol is used for both singular and plural. Abbreviation should be avoided, especially of organizations, and acronyms should be identified with the first use. The other items not mentioned here should be dealt with according to the worldwide conventional rules.
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