化学物理学报(英文版)(Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics)(可网站投稿)

《化学物理学报(英文版)》(Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics)(双月刊)杂志于1988年创办,经新闻出版总署批准的正规刊物,是由中国科学技术协会主管,中国物理学会主办,中国科学技术大学和中国科学院大连物理化学研究所承办的学术性期刊,宗旨是坚持党的基本路线,贯彻”百花齐放、百家争鸣”和理论与实际相结合的方针,报道国内外有关化学、物理交叉学科领域的研究理论、科研成果等,为促进科学技术的发展,为增进国内外学术交流,为加速我国四化建设服务.服务对象:以化学、物理交叉学科领域内的科研人员、大专院校师生以及有关人员为主要对象,为他们开辟发表新理论、新成果的园地。

本刊特点:CSCD核心期刊(2023-2024),SCIE(2024版), 科技核心期刊(2024自然科学),维普收录,万方收录,知网收录,第一批认定学术期刊,外文期刊,匿名审稿,

化学物理学报(英文版)(Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics)


出版周期:双月刊 级别:核心期刊
国际标准刊号:ISSN 1674-0068;EISSN2327-2244





Focus & Coverage

CJCP aims to bridge atomic and molecular level research in broad scope for disciplines in chemistry, physics, material sciences and life sciences including the follows:

Theoretical Methods, Algorithms, Statistical and Quantum chemistry, Computational Physical Chemistry & Chemical Physice;

Gas Phase Dynamics and Structure: Spectroscopy, Molecular Interactions, Scattering, and Photochemistry;

Condensed Phase Dynamics, Structure, and Thermodynamics: Spectroscopy, Reactions, and Relaxation Processes;

Surfaces, Interfaces, Single Molecules, Materials and Nanosciences;

Polymers, Biopolymers, and Complex Systems;

Other related topics.

Manuscript of Types

CJCP currently publishes following types of papers: Letters, Articles, Review, Comments and Errata.

Letters are brief and quick publications of short articles that report novel experimental results and original ideas or proposals for theories and experiments. Letters usually do not exceed 2000 words with less than 3 figures or tables, with an abstract not more than 150 words and less than 15 references. A more complete and detailed version can be submitted to CJCP or other peer-reviewed journal at a later time. Each issue of CJCP usually has 3 papers or less published as letters. Detailed materials, specifics of experimental conditions and brief derivations can be published as supplementary material along with the paper in an electronic version in the web edition.

Articles are thorough, complete, clear and concise reports on novel experimental and theoretical results with significance. Articles can be of normal length or extended length. A normal length article is usually less than 5000 words and 6 figures or tables, with an abstract less than 250 words, and usually with not less than 30 and not more than 60 references. An extended length article is usually less than 8000 words and 8 figures or tables, with an abstract less than 350 words, and usually with more than 50 references. Each article is required to give clear, concise, complete and objective description of the research background including brief development and current status of the related field of research, the problems intended to be solved, and the significance of the reported results. Detailed materials, specifics of experimental conditions and brief derivations can be published as supplementary material along with the paper in an electronic version in the web edition.

Reviews are generally on progress in rapidly developing fields. Reviews are generally invited by the editor. Submission without invitation is welcome with the consent of the editor, which can be granted on the basis of a pre-submission with a table of contents and a summary, as well as a list of major references. A review article is usually less than 9500 words and 12 figures or tables, with an abstract less than 450 words. A review is required to present clear, complete, and objective review and depiction of the historical background, problems and current status, recent progress and future perspectives in a research field. A review is not expected to be a reference report. Personal accounts with unique and critical assessments and perspectives are generally encouraged.

Comments and Errata are on experimental and theoretical results with significant or general interest published within the previous 12 months in CJCP, or published within the previous 6 months in other peer-reviewed journals. A comment is generally less than 1000 words and 2 figures or tables. Comments can only be published with critical peer-review, and only a limited number of comments with significance can be published. Errata can be made by the authors of papers published in CJCP within the previous 12 months. The content of the erratum is brief and short, limited to the experimental conditions and facts. Any reinterpretation of the results can be considered in the form of comments or regular papers. Comments and Errata on papers exceeding the above time limit can be considered with the consent of the editor on topics with ultimate significance. Editor-requested retractions, comments and errata on papers with major flaws, academic misconduct and falsification shall be sent to the authors?employers and the funding agency that supported the work.


CJCP publishes in English with Chinese abstract. Authors are responsible for using of proper English spellings and grammars, with following requirements.

Title. Clear and concise. Usually less than 15 words. Without special symbols. Avoid big and general titles.

Author list. Number of authors is usually less than 4. Number of authors for collaborative work is usually less than 6. Roles of each author are encouraged to be clarified in the footnotes in the first page or in the acknowledgement section. Names, fax numbers and email addresses of the corresponding authors are listed in the footnotes in the first page.

Abstract. Concise, clear and abide by the number of words for each type of paper. Generally without special symbols.

Text. Except for letters, comments and errata, a manuscript usually has the following clearly labeled sections: introduction, theoretical background, methodology or experiments, results and discussion. Introduction and theoretical background can be put in one section. Review papers can have more freedom on arrangement of main text. The introduction section has to clearly present research purposes and motivations, and the relationship to the current development of the field. Any usage of more than two complete sentences or 30 words in the same logical sequence from the literature has to be clearly labeled and referenced. Self usage of previously published literature is usually limited to 10 sentences except for the introduction, methodology and experiment sections, in which self-usage of sentences or words in logical sequence is not allowed to exceed 1/3.

Acnowledgment.Acknowledgement of research funding sources, and other acknowledgment follows the main text section. They are generally on help received, and specification of roles for each author is encouraged.

Reference list. There is no excuse for the authors to neglect or omit directly related references by the authors or by others. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references. Unpublished results or materials are generally not encouraged to be listed. Group reference is not encouraged. Styles of major types of references should be as follows.

Periodical or journal: [1] Y. L. Yeh, C. Zhang, H. Held, A. M. Mebel, X. Wei, S. H. Lin, and Y. R. Shen, J. Chem. Phys. 114, 1837 (2001).

Book: [2] R. E. Hummel, Electronic Properties of Materials, 3rd Edn., New York: Springer-Verlag, 32, (2000).

Dissertation: [3] S. Zhang, Ph.D. Dissertation, Hefei: University of Science and Technology of China, (2006).

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