
  • Journal of International Relations and Development《国际关系与发展杂志》(可官网投稿)

    Journal of International Relations and Development《国际关系与发展杂志》(季刊). JIRD is an independent and internationally peer-reviewed journal in international relations and international political economy. It publishes articles on contemporary world politics and the global political economy from a variety of methodologies and approaches. The journal,whose history goes back to 1984,was originally established to encourage scholarly publications by authors coming from Central/Eastern Europe.

  • Revija za kriminalistiko in kriminologijo《刑事调查与犯罪学杂志》(可邮箱投稿)

    Revija za kriminalistiko in kriminologijo《刑事调查与犯罪学杂志》(季刊). Leta 1950 je bila izdana prva številka pod imenom Kriminalistična služba. Leta 1959 se je revija preimenovala v Revijo za kriminalistiko in kriminologijo. Revija je vodilna slovenska profesionalna publikacija,ki zajema področja kriminologije in kriminalistike ter povezanih znanosti (kazensko pravo,viktimologija,penologija itd.).

  • ZDRAVSTVENO VARSTVO(Slovenian Journal of Public Health)《斯洛文尼亚公共卫生杂志》(可官网投稿)

    ZDRAVSTVENO VARSTVO(Slovenian Journal of Public Health)《斯洛文尼亚公共卫生杂志》(季刊). The quarterly journal,Slovenian Journal of Public Health,is published by the National Institute of Public Health Slovenia since 1962. It is published as a scientific journal with English abstracts since 2003 and since 2014 in English language only. The journal mission is to promote new achievements in the broad field of public health in Slovenia and Central and South East Europe.

  • Geodetski vestnik《测绘通报》(可邮箱投稿)

    Geodetski vestnik《测绘通报》(季刊). Geodetski vestnik is the publication of the Association of Surveyors of Slovenia (Zveza geodetov Slovenije) and it is an open access journal,issued quarterly in print and online versions. The journal is designed to serve as a reference source and an archive of advancements in the disciplines that make use of the geodetic,geospatial and spatial planning fields.

  • Anthropological Notebooks《人类学笔记》(可官网投稿)

    Anthropological Notebooks《人类学笔记》(一年3期). Anthropological Notebooks is the official journal of Slovenian Anthropological Society. It has been published under current title since 1995,while before it had been published under the Slovenian name Antropološki zvezki. The journal is published in English,it has an international editorial board,it is peer reviewed,and it is abstracted and indexed in international bibliographic databases. Until 2006 the journal had been published annually,but in the years 2006 and 2007 was published biannually. From 2008 onwards we have been publishing three issues per year.

  • Ars mathematica contemporanea《当代数学艺术》(可官网投稿)

    Ars mathematica contemporanea《当代数学艺术》(季刊). Ars mathematica contemporanea will publish high-quality articles in contemporary mathematics that arise from the discrete and concrete mathematics paradigm. It will favor themes that combine at least two different fields of mathematics. In particular, we welcome papers intersecting discrete mathematics with other branches of mathematics, such as algebra, geometry, topology, theoretical computer science, and combinatorics. The name of the journal was chosen carefully. Symmetry is certainly a theme that is quite welcome to the journal, as it is through symmetry that mathematics comes closest to art. The name emphasizes that work, skill and art (three possible translations of the word ars, as exemplified by the well known proverbs “;;;;;Ars longa vita brevis”;;;;; and “;;;;;Ars sine sciencia nihil est”;;;;;) are necessary to produce good contemporary mathematics, and that applications and connections should encompass a large variety – including art.

  • Acta Chimica Slovenica《斯洛文尼亚化学学报》(可官网投稿)

    Acta Chimica Slovenica《斯洛文尼亚化学学报》(季刊). Acta Chimica Slovenica publishes original research papers in the fields of organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, biochemistry and molecular biology, physical chemistry and materials science, as well as chemical, biochemical and environmental engineering. Papers dealing with general chemistry, applied chemistry and biomedical applications are also welcome. Scientific novelty and potential interest for a wider spectrum of readers has to be justified.

  • Acta geographica Slovenica-Geografski Zbornik《斯洛文尼亚地理学报》(可官网投稿)

    Acta geographica Slovenica-Geografski Zbornik《斯洛文尼亚地理学报》(一年3期). The Acta geographica Slovenica journal is issued by the ZRC SAZU Anton Melik Geographical Institute, published by the ZRC SAZU Založba ZRC, and co-published by the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts.Acta geographica Slovenica publishes original research papers from all fields of geography and related disciplines, and provides a forum for discussing new aspects of theory, methods, issues, and research findings, especially in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe.

  • Acta Carsologica《岩溶学报》(可官网投稿)

    Acta Carsologica《岩溶学报》(一年3期). Acta Carsologica publishes original research papers and reviews, letters, essays and reports covering topics related to specific of karst areas. These comprise, but are not limited to karst geology, hydrology, and geomorphology, speleology, hydrogeology, biospeleology and history of karst science.

  • Slovenian Veterinary Research《斯洛文尼亚兽医研究》(可官网投稿)

    Slovenian Veterinary Research《斯洛文尼亚兽医研究》(季刊). SLOVENIAN VETERINARY RESEARCH is an international, peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal that publishes original and high-quality results of research in most areas of veterinary medicine, biomedicine, comparative medicine, and One health sciences. Our focus is on advancing basic and clinical knowledge, ultimately aiming to improve the health and welfare of animals and humans.

  • Strojniški vestnik-Journal of Mechanical Engineering《工程用水:机械工程杂志》(可官网投稿)

    Strojniški vestnik-Journal of Mechanical Engineering《工程用水:机械工程杂志》(月刊). The international journal publishes original and (mini)review articles covering the concepts of materials science, mechanics, kinematics, thermodynamics, energy and environment, mechatronics and robotics, fluid mechanics, tribology, cybernetics, industrial engineering and structural analysis.


    MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE《材料与技术》(双月刊). The journal MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY is a scientific journal, devoted to original papers and review scientific papers concerned with the areas of fundamental and applied science and technology. Topics of particular interest include metallic materials, inorganic materials, polymers, vacuum technique and lately nanomaterials.

  • Acta Geotechnica Slovenica《斯洛文尼亚岩土工程学报》(可官网投稿)

    Acta Geotechnica Slovenica《斯洛文尼亚岩土工程学报》(半年刊). ACTA GEOTECHNICA SLOVENICA aims to play an important role in publishing high-quality, theoretical papers from important and emerging areas that will have a lasting impact on fundamental and practical aspects of geomechanics and geotechnical engineering.

  • Informacije MIDEM-Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials《INFORMACIJE MIDEM:微电子、电子元件和材料杂志》(可官网投稿)

    Informacije MIDEM-Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials《INFORMACIJE MIDEM:微电子、电子元件和材料杂志》(季刊). Informacije MIDEM publishes original research papers in the fields of microelectronics, electronic components and materials. Review papers are published upon invitation only. Scientific novelty and potential interest for a wider spectrum of readers is desired. Authors are encouraged to provide as much detail as possible for others to be able to replicate their results. Therefore, there is no page limit, provided that the text is concise and comprehensive, and any data that does not fit within a classical manuscript can be added as supplementary material.

  • Image Analysis & Stereology《图像分析与体视学》(可官网投稿)

    Image Analysis & Stereology《图像分析与体视学》(一年3期). Image Analysis and Stereology is the official journal of the International Society for Stereology & Image Analysis. It promotes the exchange of scientific, technical, organizational and other information on the quantitative analysis of data having a geometrical structure, including stereology, differential geometry, image analysis, image processing, mathematical morphology, stochastic geometry, statistics, pattern recognition, and related topics.

  • Advances in Production Engineering & Management《生产工程与管理进展》(可邮箱投稿)

    Advances in Production Engineering & Management《生产工程与管理进展》(季刊). Advances in Production Engineering & Management (APEM journal) is an interdisciplinary international academic journal published quarterly. The main goal of the APEM journal is to present original, high quality, theoretical and application-oriented research developments in all areas of production engineering and production management to a broad audience of academics and practitioners. In order to bridge the gap between theory and practice, applications based on advanced theory and case studies are particularly welcome. For theoretical papers, their originality and research contributions are the main factors in the evaluation process.



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