Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana《墨西哥地质学会通报》(可邮箱投稿)
Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana《墨西哥地质学会通报》(一年3期). El Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana tiene como propósito difundir trabajos técnicos y científicos relacionados con la geología de México y áreas adyacentes, áreas que compartan unidades o características geológicas afines con México. El Boletín publica artículos sobre las diferentes disciplinas de las Ciencias de la Tierra, con especial énfasis en estudios desarrollados en el territorio mexicano y en la descripción de nuevas metodologías.
Botanical Sciences《植物科学》(可官网投稿)
Botanical Sciences《植物科学》(季刊). Botanical Sciences is an international scientific journal that publishes original and unpublished articles in plant biology, including ecology and evolution, structure and function, systematics and taxonomy, among other areas of botany. Botanical Sciences is published quarterly and is the scientific journal of the Sociedad Botánica de México.
Gaceta Médica de México《墨西哥医学杂志》(可官网投稿)
Gaceta Médica de México《墨西哥医学杂志》(双月刊). Gaceta Médica de México is the official scientific journal of the Academia Nacional de Medicina de México, A.C. Its goal is to contribute to health professionals by publishing the most relevant progress both in research and clinical practice. Gaceta Médica de México is a bimonthly peer reviewed journal, published both in paper and online in open access, both in Spanish and English. It has a brilliant editorial board formed by national and international experts.
Cirugía y Cirujanos《外科与外科医生》(可官网投稿)
Cirugía y Cirujanos《外科与外科医生》(双月刊). Cirugía y Cirujanos is the official journal of the Mexican Academy of Surgery. This institution was founded in 1933 and it is both the advisory body of the Federal Government on health and social policy and the advisor of the General Health Council of Mexico. Its membership assembles more than 400 outstanding professionals of 64 medical, surgical and professional specialties from areas related to health, which has contributed to give body, structure, doctrine, mission, vision, and prestige to Mexican surgery and medicine in the international context.
Annals of Hepatology《肝脏病学年鉴》(可官网投稿)
Annals of Hepatology《肝脏病学年鉴》(双月刊). Annals of Hepatology (AoH) is an international, open access journal published bi-monthly with funds from the Medica Sur Clinical Foundation. It is the official journal of the Mexican Association of Hepatology (AMH), the Latin American Association for the Study of the Liver (ALEH), the Canadian Association for the Study of the Liver (CASL) and the Czech Society of Hepatology (CSH). AoH publishes editorials, opinions, concise reviews, original articles, brief reports, letters to the editor, news from affiliated associations, clinical practice guidelines and summaries of congresses in the field of Hepatology.
Acta botánica mexicana《墨西哥植物学报》(可官网投稿)
Acta botánica mexicana《墨西哥植物学报》(年刊). Acta botánica mexicana is a publication of the Institute of Ecology A.C. that publishes original and unpublished works on botanical topics particularly those related to Mexican plants. Acta botánica mexicana publishes articles written mainly in Spanish language, although certain documents written in English, French and Portuguese are also accepted. Quarterly publication.
Ciencias Marinas《海洋科学》(可官网投稿)
Ciencias Marinas《海洋科学》(季刊). A quarterly publication, Ciencias Marinas is an international, peer-reviewed journal that contains original research findings in all areas of marine science. All papers are published in English and Spanish.
HIDROBIOLÓGICA《水生生物学杂志》(一年3期). HIDROBIOLÓGICA es una publicación cuatrimestral que difunde trabajos originales e inéditos de investigación o revisión, sobre temas relacionados con los organismos y la hidrología de los ambientes acuáticos, dulces y marinos y va dirigida a investigadores de todo el mundo, interesados en las diversas disciplinas que incluye la Hidrobiología , así como a alumnos de posgrados y licenciaturas relacionados con la biología, ecología, taxonomía, filogenia y evolución de organismos acuáticos, e hidrología y oceanografía de ambientes s dulceacuícolas y marinos.
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Pecuarias《墨西哥畜牧科学杂志》(可官网投稿)
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Pecuarias《墨西哥畜牧科学杂志》(季刊). Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Pecuarias is a publication for the scientific and technical dissemination of the livestock sector of Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias. It has an objective to present the results of research carried out by any national or international scientific institution, related to animal science, particularly those relating to the various disciplines of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics, it is addressed to researchers and specialists in these areas. It is a quarterly publication, reviewed by peers in the modality of double-blind. The journal is bilingual, publishes the full articles in Spanish or English.
Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana《墨西哥植物技术》(可邮箱投稿)
Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana《墨西哥植物技术》(季刊). La Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana es un órgano de difusión de la Sociedad Mexicana de Fitogenética que publica trabajos científicos, originales e inéditos, referentes a las ciencias biológicas aplicadas a recursos genéticos, producción agrícola, biotecnología vegetal, fitomejoramiento genético, fisiología vegetal, tecnología de alimentos vegetales, y otras áreas afines.
Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente《林业与环境科学系列杂志》(可官网投稿)
Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente《林业与环境科学系列杂志》(一年3期). The Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente (RCHSCFA) is a scientific journal that aims to raise awareness of high-quality research products related to forestry, arid, temperate and tropical environments in the world. Since its beginnings in 1994, the RCHSCFA has been oriented to be a space for scientific dissemination and discussion at a national and international level among academics, researchers, undergraduate and graduate students, forestry managers, and public/private entities that are interested in the forest environment.
Madera y Bosques《木材与森林》(可官网投稿)
Madera y Bosques《木材与森林》(一年3期). Madera y Bosques (Wood and Forests) is a scientific periodical journal which has the objective of serving as media for scientific and technological research related to forest products, forest management and conservation as well as forest ecology topics and related subjects. It publishes original scientific papers, topical articles, scientific notes or bibliographic reviews. It is a quarterly publication that appears in Spring, Summer and Fall. Ocassionally, special Winter Issues are published. Manuscripts are accepted in Spanish, English and sporadically in other languages. It has no Page Processing Charges and it is published by the Environment and Sustainability Department of the Instituto de Ecología, A.C. (Xalapa, Ver., México).
Veterinaria México《墨西哥兽医》(可官网投稿)
Veterinaria México《墨西哥兽医》(季刊). Veterinaria México OA (ISSN 2448-6760) is an online scientific journal edited by Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). The journal is Open Access and follows UNAM´ s initiative, to transmit knowledge free of charge for the readership and authors, with no Article Processing Charges.
Revista de Investigacion Clinica-Clinical and Translational Investigation《临床研究杂志:临床与转化研究》(可官网投稿)
Revista de Investigacion Clinica-Clinical and Translational Investigation《临床研究杂志:临床与转化研究》(双月刊). Revista de Investigación Clínica – Clinical and Translational Investigation publishes original clinical and biomedical research of interest to physicians in internal medicine, surgery, and any of their specialties. Revista de Investigación Clínica – Clinical and Translational Investigation is the official journal of the National Institutes of Health of Mexico, which comprises a group of Institutes and High Specialty Hospitals belonging to the Ministry of Health.
Agrociencia《农业科学》(一年8期). Agrociencia is a scientific journal established in 1966 with the tradition and support of Colegio de Postgraduados, an Institution for Teaching, Research and Services in Agricultural Sciences. It was an annual publication until 1971. From 1972 to 1989 it was published every three months; in 1990 periodicity and presentation were modified but, most important, an Academic Department of Editors and Reviewers was set up and the national and international scientific community was invited to publish in the journal.
Revista Mexicana de Física《墨西哥物理学杂志》(可官网投稿)
Revista Mexicana de Física《墨西哥物理学杂志》(双月刊). Revista Mexicana de Física (Rev. Mex. Fis.) publishes original papers of interest to the physical science community. Language may be English or Spanish, however, given the nature of our readership, English is recommended. Articles are classified as follows: Research. Articles reporting original results in physics. Reviews. Critical surveys of specific physics topics in which recent published information is analyzed and discussed.
Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad《墨西哥生物多样性杂志》(可官网投稿)
Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad《墨西哥生物多样性杂志》(一年3期). The RMB publishes national or foreign works that are the result of original scientific research, in Spanish or English, on the knowledge of the biodiversity of the American continent (systematics, biogeography, ecology and evolution), its conservation, resource use and management.
Revista Internacional de Contaminación Ambiental《国际环境污染杂志》(可官网投稿)
Revista Internacional de Contaminación Ambiental《国际环境污染杂志》(一年1卷). The journal Revista Internacional de Contaminación Ambiental is edited four times a year and its publication is currently sponsored by Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala, Universidad Veracruzana, Programa Universitario del Medio Ambiente, and Centro de Ciencias de la Atmósfera of Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). The journal accepts for publication original papers and review articles on physical and chemical contaminants, their distribution and their biological and ecological effects; new technologies for their measurement and control, and also sociologic, legal, and economic studies on these same subjects.