
  • Romanian Journal of Political Science《罗马尼亚政治学杂志》(可邮箱投稿)

    Romanian Journal of Political Science《罗马尼亚政治学杂志》(半年刊). POLSCI (The Romanian Journal of Political Science) este un jurnal de stiinte politice indexat ISI (SSCI),cu evaluari inter pares si publicat de doua ori pe an de catre Societatea Academica din Romania (SAR). Jurnalul publica o gama diversa de articole stiintifice,din specialitati precum politica comparata,politici publice,economie politica si psihologie politica,acoperind probleme romanesti si din Europa Centrala si de Sud-Est. Articolele sunt bazate pe teorie si cuprind o proportie importanta de cercetare empirica. Printre contributorii la editiile trecute enumeram pe Francis Fukuyama,Larry Diamond or Philippe Schmitter,precum si un numar semnificativ de cercetatori tineri.

  • Revue roumaine de linguistique-Romanian Review of Linguistics《罗马尼亚语言学杂志》(可邮箱投稿)

    Revue roumaine de linguistique-Romanian Review of Linguistics《罗马尼亚语言学杂志》(季刊). “Revue roumaine de linguistique (Romanian Review of Linguistics)” (RRL) has been published on a continuous basis since 1956. During 1956−1963,the review was called “Revue de linguistique” and included two issues per year. In 1963,it acquired the name in French in use until today and six issues were published until 1998 and four issues per year have been published since 1999. Since 2006,the English version has also been in use. Since 2008,RRL is ISI indexed.

  • Journal of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies《循证心理治疗杂志》(可官网投稿)

    Journal of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies《循证心理治疗杂志》(半年刊). Journal of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies,ISSN 2360 – 0853,is the successor of the Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies (2001-2013) and is published biannually (in March and September) in one volume per year by the Cluj-Napoca University Press of Babeș-Bolyai (Presa Universitară Clujeană),being associated with the International Institute for the Advanced Studies of Psychotherapy and Applied Mental Health. The journal is devoted to the advancement of the clinical theory and practice of evidence-based psychotherapies (EBP) (e.g.,evidence-based psychological assessments,evidence-based psychological treatments).

  • Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting《罗马尼亚经济预测杂志》(可邮箱投稿)

    Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting《罗马尼亚经济预测杂志》(季刊). The Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting (RJEF) aims to become a leading journal in the field of economic modeling and forecasting for emerging and frontier markets (EFM). It is the official publication of the Institute for Economic Forecasting (IEF) within the Romanian Academy. More information about IEF is available at www.ipe.ro.The objective of the Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting is to promote research covering quantitative models of the macroeconomic and microeconomic activity. Focusing mainly on empirical studies meant to provide a testing environment for the theoretical models,the journal also encourages the development of relevant analysis both theoretical and applied that yields fresh insights and promotes the efficient integration of new econometric techniques like non-linear modeling,agent-based models and complex systems developed for the emerging and frontier markets.


    REVISTA DE CERCETARE SI INTERVENTIE SOCIALA《社会干预与研究评论》(季刊)。REVISTA DE CERCETARE SI INTERVENTIE SOCIALA aims to promote interdisciplinary social research that addresses the ways in which social,educational,medical and political institutions respond to the needs of people and,at the same time,to the challenges of changing contemporary societies. To be an inspiration,the Journal proposes that each article should include recommendations regarding the interventions proposed by the authors,based on quantitative,qualitative or mixed methods research.

  • Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences《特兰西瓦尼亚行政科学评论》(可邮箱投稿)

    Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences《特兰西瓦尼亚行政科学评论》(一年3期). The general topic covered by the articles in the Review is administrative sciences. As a result of an interdisciplinary,modern approach,the articles cover the following specific themes: Public management,public policy,administrative law,public policy analysis,regional development,community development,public finances,urban planning,program evaluation in public administration,ethics,comparative administrative systems,etc. From the standpoint of the topic covered,the Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences is lined up with the trends followed by other international journals in the field of public administration

  • Amfiteatru Economic《竞技型经济》(可官网投稿)

    Amfiteatru Economic《竞技型经济》(季刊). Amfiteatru Economic will become a leading journal in the field of economics and business administration,with an increasingly better position in the ranking of the main scientific publications,through international visibility,scientific prestige and significant impact in the academic and professional environment.

  • Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator《罗马尼亚实验室医学杂志》(可官网投稿)

    Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator《罗马实验医学杂志》(季刊). Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator publică articole originale evaluate prin proces de tip peer-review, referate generale și referate profesionale în domeniul medicinei de laborator. Obiectivul revistei este acela de a publica informații noi, care să ducă la o mai bună înțelegere a mecanismelor biologice de producere a bolilor umane, la prevenirea și la diagnosticul lor cât mai precoce, precum și la monitorizarea terapiei și a evoluției stării de sănătate a pacienților. Revista cuprinde și o secțiune de „Note de curs” cu adresabilitate atât pentru medicii rezidenți, cât și pentru cei care doresc să își actualizeze cunoștințele în domeniile abordate.

  • FARMACIA《药店》(可官网投稿)

    FARMACIA《药店》(双月刊)。FARMACIA publishes original research papers, invited topical reviews, editorial commentaries and news, with emphasis on conceptual novelty and scientific quality. Main research areas are focused on pharmacology, toxicology, medicinal chemistry, biopharmacy, drug design, drug delivery, personalized medicine, nanostructures, nutraceuticals, biochemistry and biotechnology. Manuscripts submitted to the Journal are only accepted after the peer review process. The papers should have not been published in any other journal. The recommendations of the Declaration of Helsinki, for humans, and the International guidelines as accepted principles for the use of experimental animals should be followed.

  • Medical Ultrasonography《医学超声检查》(可官网投稿)

    Medical Ultrasonography《医学超声检查》(季刊). Medical Ultrasonography (formerly Revista Româna de Ultrasonografie from 1999 to 2008) is the official publication of the Romanian Society for Ultrasonography in Medicine and Biology (SRUMB), published in English, quarterly. The journal aims to promote ultrasound diagnosis by publishing papers in a variety of categories, including Original papers, Review Articles, Pictorial Essays, Technical Innovations, Case Report, or Letters to the Editor (fundamental as well as methodological and educational papers).

  • Carpathian Journal of Mathematics《喀尔巴阡数学杂志》(可官网投稿)

    Carpathian Journal of Mathematics《喀尔巴阡数学杂志》(季刊). Carpathian Journal of Mathematics publishes high quality original research papers and survey articles in all areas of pure and applied mathematics. It will also occasionally publish, as special issues, proceedings of international conferences, generally (co)-organized by the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, North University Center at Baia Mare. There is no fee for the published papers but the journal offers an Open Access Option to interested contributors.

  • Bulletin Mathématique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de Roumanie《罗马尼亚数学学会数学通报》(可邮箱投稿)

    Bulletin Mathématique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de Roumanie《罗马尼亚数学学会数学通报》(季刊). Bulletin Mathématique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de Roumanie is a scientific journal which publishes original papers on pure and applied mathematics. The journal is mainly addressed to researchers in mathematics or in other related fields.


    JOURNAL OF OPERATOR THEORY《算子理论杂志》(半年刊). The Journal of Operator Theory is published by the Theta Foundation in Bucharest with the cooperation of the Institute of Mathematics “Simion Stoilow” of the Romanian Academy.

  • Fixed Point Theory《不动点理论》(可邮箱投稿)

    Fixed Point Theory《不动点理论》(半年刊). Fixed Point Theory publishes relevant research and expository papers devoted to the all topics of fixed point theory and applications in all structured set (algebraic, metric, topological (general and algebraic), geometric (synthetic, analytic, metric, differential, topological), …) and in category theory. Applications to ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, functional equations, integral equations, mathematical physics, mathematical chemistry, mathematical biology, mathematical economics, mathematical finances, informatics, …, are also welcome.


    UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN-SERIES A-APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS《布加勒斯特大学政治科学公报-A系列-应用数学与物理》(季刊) Now, the Scientific Bulletin journal includes 4 series: A series: Applied Mathematics and Physics, B series: Chemistry and Material Science, C series: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and D series: Mechanical Engineering.The journal “Scientific Bulletin” is the business card of our University and its purpose is to travel across the national and the international university environments for promoting the results of the scientific research undertaken by the professors of the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest.。

  • Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta-Seria Matematica《康斯坦察奥维迪乌斯大学科学分析:数学》(可邮箱投稿)

    Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta-Seria Matematica《康斯坦察奥维迪乌斯大学科学分析:数学》(一年3期). The journal Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta, Seria Matematica (in short An. St. Univ. Ovidius Constanta, Ser. Mat.)publishes original papers on pure and applied mathematics. Papers on theoretical physics, astronomy and informatics may be accepted if they present interesting mathematical results. Papers are published in English, and are freely downloadable in postscript and pdf formats.

  • Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Seria Chemia《巴比什-波雅依大学学报:化学研究》(可官网投稿)

    Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Seria Chemia《巴比什-波雅依大学学报:化学研究》(季刊). Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Seria Chemia publishes fundamental studies in all areas of chemistry and chemical engineering. The journal publishes only original research articles.

  • Revue Roumaine de Chimie《罗马尼亚化学杂志》(可官网投稿)

    Revue Roumaine de Chimie《罗马尼亚化学杂志》(月刊). The journal Revue Roumaine de Chimie (Roumanian Journal of Chemistry) was founded in 1956 under the name Revue de Chimie. Acad. R. P. R. from 1964, the title was modified in Revue Roumaine de Chimie (preserving the numbering of the volumes started in 1956). In 1997, the English translation of the title – Roumanian Journal of Chemistry – was also included on each issue.



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