
  • Universitas Philosophica《大学哲学》(可官网投稿)

    Universitas Philosophica《大学哲学》(年刊). La revista está orientada a la promoción,divulgación y comunicación de la filosofía como tal,y a las relaciones de esta con otras ciencias,saberes y prácticas. Así mismo,está encaminada hacia la relación,socialmente responsable,con la comunidad humana local,nacional e internacional,a través de un diálogo vivo y significativo que le permita enriquecer la reflexión filosófica de la humanidad.

  • Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología《拉丁美洲心理学杂志》(可官网投稿)

    Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología《拉丁美洲心理学杂志》(一年3期). La Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología es una publicación cuatrimestral de acceso abierto de la Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz. Recibe de manera permanente artículos científicos de psicología que correspondan a una de las siguientes categorías: artículos originales (con información empírica y novedosa) de diversos campos de la psicología (independientemente de la metodología empleada) o revisiones sistemáticas de tipo cualitativo o cuantitativo. Eventualmente estaría interesada en evaluar trabajos que desarrollen herramientas o software relacionados con la psicología,artículos originales sobre metodología y estudios que evalúen la psicología desde la cienciometría.

  • International Journal of Psychological Research《心理研究国际杂志》(可官网投稿)

    International Journal of Psychological Research《心理研究国际杂志》(半年刊). The International Journal of Psychological Research (Int.j.psychol.res) is the Faculty of Psychology’s official publication of San Buenaventura University in Medellin,Colombia. Int.j.psychol.res relies on a vast and diverse theoretical and thematic publishing material,which includes unpublished productions of diverse psychological issues and behavioral human areas such as psychiatry,neurosciences,mental health,among others.

  • Revista de Estudios Sociales《社会研究杂志》(可官网投稿)

    Revista de Estudios Sociales《社会研究杂志》(季刊). Revista de Estudios Sociales (rev. estud.soc.) is an indexed publication of a periodical nature,which adheres to international standards of quality,positioning,periodicity and availability on line. Its objective is to contribute to the dissemination of the research,analyses and opinions that the national and international academic community elaborates. As a social sciences journal,it publishes the results of investigations,reflections on relevant topics,theoretical revisions and reviews,which contribute to pertinent debates about sociological,historical,anthropological,cultural and gender study subjects,as well as articles on political science,philosophy,psychology and education. Is a quarterly publication (January-March,April-June,July-September,October-December) that comes out at the beginning of each of these periods,created in1998 and funded by the School of Social Sciences of the Universidad de los Andes (Colombia).

  • Historia Crítica《历史批判》(可官网投稿)

    Historia Crítica《历史批判》(季刊). The objective of Historia Crítica is to publish previously unpublished articles (in Spanish,English and Portuguese) written by national and international authors that will contribute to the study of History and the Social and Human Sciences,for a better understanding of the social,political,economic and cultural environment of the past and the present. In this sense,it seeks to strengthen historical research,academic reflection and the elaboration of updated balances that will make it possible to construct dialogues within the national and international academic community.

  • Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración《拉丁美洲管理杂志》(可官网投稿)

    Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración《拉丁美洲管理杂志》(季刊). ARLA is the official journal of the Latin American Council of Schools Management (CLADEA) publishing in the field of management with clear reference to Ibero and Latin American management and business. The journal welcomes strong research analysing the practice of management,including solid theoretical and empirical articles,practical regional teaching cases,and literature reviews.

  • Biomédica《生物医学》(可官网投稿)

    Biomédica《生物医学》(季刊). Biomédica, journal of the Colombian Instituto Nacional de Salud, is a scientific quarterly that operates according to Resolution 003768 of 1981 issued by the Ministry of the Interior. It has a reduced postal fee according to Resolution 1128 of May 5, 1982. Its main purpose is the publication of original research studies in the field of biomedicine.


    EARTH SCIENCES RESEARCH JOURNAL《地球科学研究杂志》(季刊)。Earth Sciences Research Journal (ESRJ) is a professional journal on Earth Sciences by the Geosciences Dept. at Universidad Nacional de Colombia. ESRJ publishes your manuscripts after rigorous peer-review from local and international referees with expertise in the subject area of your work. Therefore the publications are results of technical and scientific research on various disciplines of Earth Sciences and its interactions with several engineering applications.

  • CALDASIA(可官网投稿)

    CALDASIA(半年刊). Caldasia is an open access biannual journal published by the Instituto de Ciencias Naturales de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. The journal publishes high impact contributions on the documentation, understanding, or conservation of biological diversity written in Spanish or English. The journal includes papers on botany, zoology, ecology, biodiversity, biogeography, taxonomy, systematics, conservation, anthropology, and related disciplines.

  • Acta Biológica Colombiana《哥伦比亚生物学报》(可官网投稿)

    Acta Biológica Colombiana《哥伦比亚生物学报》(一年3期). Acta Biológica Colombiana publishes original scientific research articles that provide a significant advance in the field of natural sciences, specifically in the areas of biological sciences, conservation, and biodiversity. The journal is interested in high-quality, comprehensive research in a broad thematic coverage in all areas of biology including: anatomy, botany and plant science, cell biology and microbiology, biochemistry and molecular biology, genetics and heredity, developmental biology , zoology, ornithology, entomology, behavioral life sciences, marine and water biology, ecology, biodiversity conservation, theoretical and evolutionary biology.

  • Revista MVZ Córdoba《科尔多瓦兽医畜牧业杂志》(可官网投稿)

    Revista MVZ Córdoba《科尔多瓦兽医畜牧业杂志》(一年3期 ). La Revista MVZ Córdoba es una revista científica internacional de acceso abierto, financiada y editada por la Universidad de Córdoba (Colombia). Se publica cuatrimestralmente en español e inglés, en modalidad continua, artículos originales, comunicaciones breves, casos clínicos y revisiones de literatura en formatos PDF, XML, HTML, Audio y Epub; revisados por pares a doble ciego. La revista constituye un espacio de discusión académica y científica alrededor del quehacer de los investigadores y profesionales de la Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia.

  • Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Pecuarias《哥伦比亚畜牧业科学杂志》(可官网投稿)

    Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Pecuarias《哥伦比亚畜牧业科学杂志》(季刊). The editors of Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Pecuarias (RCCP) welcome the submission of original manuscripts on experimental and clinical studies associated with the broad areas of animal sciences and veterinary medicine as they interface with biochemistry, molecular biology, physiology, pharmacology, toxicology, pathology, microbiology, parasitology, immunology and epidemiology. The scope of the journal includes studies of basic and applied research in animal management and production, feeding and nutrition, reproduction, breeding, genetics, animal welfare and behavior; as well as animal production focussed from biotechnology, soil science, agrostology, silvopastoral systems, livestock economics and the environment.

  • Tropical Grasslands-Forrajes Tropicales《热带草原》(可官网投稿)

    Tropical Grasslands-Forrajes Tropicales《热带草原》(一年3期). The Journal publishes, in English or Spanish, Research Papers and Short Communications on research and development, as well as contributions from practitioners (Farmer Contributions) and Review Articles, related to pastures and forages in the tropics and subtropics (see Author Guidelines). There is no regional focus; the information published should be of interest to a wide readership, encomprising researchers, academics, students, technicians, development workers and farmers.

  • Revista Colombiana de Entomología《哥伦比亚昆虫学杂志》(可官网投稿)

    Revista Colombiana de Entomología《哥伦比亚昆虫学杂志》(半年刊). Revista Colombiana de Entomología (RCdE) is an open access journal, published online with a continuous periodicity (semiannual). RCdE publishes original research articles, essays, scientific notes, book reviews and obituaries related to the area of insect science in English and Spanish. It also publishes review articles on general entomological topics, called “thematic reviews”, however, these are only done by request of the Editorial Committee.

  • Cuadernos de Desarrollo Rural《农村发展杂志》(可官网投稿)

    Cuadernos de Desarrollo Rural《农村发展杂志》(年刊). Cuadernos de Desarrollo Rural was born in 1978, as an initiative of a group of researchers of the Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá, Colombia, South America, who proposed to the academic directives of the moment the creation of a print media that had as a purpose the spreading of the research results about the rural studies that were developing on our country.

  • COLOMBIA MEDICA《哥伦比亚医疗》(可邮箱投稿)

    COLOMBIA MEDICA《哥伦比亚医疗》(季刊). Colombia Médica devoted to the publication of scientific material for improving academic level of professions related to health sciences.

  • CT&F-Ciencia, Tecnología & Futuro《科学、技术与未来》(可官网投稿)

    CT&F-Ciencia, Tecnología & Futuro《科学、技术与未来》(半年刊). CT&F-Ciencia, Tecnología y Futuro is an Open Access (under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License) peer-reviewed international journal, published biannually by Ecopetrol S.A through the Center for Research, Development, and Innovation – ICP.

  • Ingeniería e Investigación《工程与研究》(可官网投稿)

    Ingeniería e Investigación《工程与研究》(一年3期). Ingeniería e Investigación journal is four month, has been known for its labor of divulgation and diffusion of scientific papers produced in Colombia and around the world, from original and unedited scientific research and technological developments in disciplines related to engineering. Its work keeps contributing towards the development of knowledge and generating global impact on academia, industry and society at large, through ideas exchange, with high quality editorial standards in an universal language.



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