European Surgery-Acta Chirurgica Austriaca《欧洲外科:奥地利外科学报》(可官网投稿)
European Surgery-Acta Chirurgica Austriaca《欧洲外科:奥地利外科学报》(双月刊). The journal European Surgery focuses on general surgery, endocrine surgery, esophago-thoracic surgery, and vascular surgery. Special features include new surgical and endoscopic techniques such as minimally invasive surgery, robot surgery, and advances in surgery-related biotechnology and surgical oncology.
Amino Acids《氨基酸》(可官网投稿)
Amino Acids《氨基酸》(月刊). Amino Acids publishes contributions from all fields of amino acid and protein research: analysis, separation (proteomics), synthesis, biosynthesis, evolution, folding, structure, stability, dynamics, medicinal chemistry, catabolism, cross linking amino acids, racemization/enantiomers, modification of amino acids such as phosphorylation, methylation, acetylation, hydroxylation and glycosylation.
Archives of Women’s Mental Health《妇女心理健康档案》(可官网投稿)
Archives of Womens Mental Health《妇女心理健康档案》(双月刊). Archives of Women’s Mental Health is the official journal of Marcé Society, the North American Society for Psychosocial Obstetrics and Gynecology (NASPOG) and the International Association for Womens Mental Health (IAWMH). The exchange of knowledge between psychiatrists and obstetrician-gynecologists is one of the major aims of the journal. Its international scope includes psychological, social and biological aspects of all psychiatric and psychosomatic disorders in women.
Myrmecological News《蚁学新闻》(可邮箱投稿)
Myrmecological News《蚁学新闻》(不定期). Myrmecological News is an independent, international non-profit journal devoted to ant research. In a lively mix of research and review articles, all fields of myrmecology are covered. Quality contributions are sought, expected to be of genuine interest to myrmecologists and of enduring relevance to ant research. Suitable manuscripts are reviewed by at least two independent expert referees prior to potential acceptance. Reviewers can stay anonymous to the authors or waive anonymity, and they are asked to actively search for plagiarism. In 2017, primary editorial decisions were made, on average, after 33 and 53 days for all manuscripts and for those subjected to in-depth peer evaluation, respectively. Myrmecological News publishes at least one volume per year.
Wiener Tierärztliche Monatsschrift《维也纳兽医月刊》(可邮箱投稿)
Wiener Tierärztliche Monatsschrift《维也纳兽医月刊》(双月刊). The Wiener Tierärztliche Monatsschrift – Veterinary Medicine Austria (Vet Med Austria) represents the scientific journal of the Austrian Society of Veterinary Medicine (Österreichische Gesellschaft der Tierärztinnen und Tierärzte, ÖGT). The journal is released six times per year and is addressed at veterinary practitioners and scientists alike. Papers on all aspects of veterinary medicine (basic as well as applied clinical science) are suitable for publication, as well as manuscripts on topics in comparative medicine, food hygiene and public health with relevance for veterinary science.
WIENER KLINISCHE WOCHENSCHRIFT《维也纳临床周刊》(半月刊). The Wiener klinische Wochenschrift – The Central European Journal of Medicine – is an international scientific medical journal covering the entire spectrum of clinical medicine and related areas such as ethics in medicine, public health and the history of medicine. In addition to original articles, the Journal features editorials and leading articles on newly emerging topics, review articles, case reports and a broad range of special articles.
Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg《克洛斯特新堡通报》(可邮箱投稿)
Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg《克洛斯特新堡通报》(季刊). Die seit 1951 bestehende hauseigene internationale Fachzeitschrift „Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg – Rebe und Wein, Obstbau und Früchteverwertung“ erscheint viermal im Jahr und veröffentlicht wissenschaftliche Arbeiten zu den Fachbereichen Weinbau und Kellerwirtschaft, Obstbau und -verarbeitung sowie Weinchemie, Mikrobiologie, Hygiene und Qualitätsmanagement.
Acta Neurochirurgica《神经外科学报》(可官网投稿)
Acta Neurochirurgica《神经外科学报》(月刊). The journal “Acta Neurochirurgica” publishes only original papers useful both to research and clinical work. Papers should deal with clinical neurosurgery – diagnosis and diagnostic techniques, operative surgery and results, postoperative treatment – or with research work in neuroscience if the underlying questions or the results are of neurosurgical interest.
AUSTRIAN JOURNAL OF FOREST SCIENCE《奥地利森林科学杂志》(季刊). Austrian Journal of Forest Science is a peer-reviewed journal of forest science. It covers all aspects of forest research, from basic to applied subjects. The journal carries original research articles and publishes more extensive research articles.
Nuclear Fusion《核聚变》(可官网投稿)
Nuclear Fusion《核聚变》(月刊). Nuclear Fusion is the acknowledged world-leading journal specializing in fusion. The journal covers all aspects of research, theoretical and practical, relevant to controlled thermonuclear fusion.
Applied Magnetic Resonance《应用磁共振》(可官网投稿)
Applied Magnetic Resonance《应用磁共振》(月刊). Applied Magnetic Resonance provides an international forum for the application of magnetic resonance methodology in physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, geochemistry, ecology, engineering, and related fields. The contents include articles with a strong emphasis on new applications, and on new experimental methods.
FEW-BODY SYSTEMS《少体系统》(可官网投稿)
FEW-BODY SYSTEMS《少体系统》(季刊). The journal Few-Body Systems presents original research work – experimental, theoretical and computational – investigating the behavior of any classical or quantum system consisting of a small number of well-defined constituent structures. The focus is on the research methods, properties, and results characteristic of few-body systems. Examples of few-body systems range from few-quark states, light nuclear and hadronic systems; few-electron atomic systems and small molecules; and specific systems in condensed matter and surface physics (such as quantum dots and highly correlated trapped systems), up to and including large-scale celestial structures.
ECO MONT-Journal on Protected Mountain Areas Research and Management《生态山地-山区保护研究与管理杂志》(可官网投稿)
ECO MONT-Journal on Protected Mountain Areas Research and Management《生态山地-山区保护研究与管理杂志》(半年刊). eco.mont – Journal on Protected Mountain Areas Research and Management is published twice a year and publishes: ·peer-reviewed articles on research and management topics in protected mountain areas, ·reports (not peer-reviewed) on management issues, ·a case in point showcasing (not peer-reviewed) one protected area.
ACTA MECHANICA《力学学报》(可官网投稿)
ACTA MECHANICA《力学学报》(月刊). Since 1965, the international journal Acta Mechanica has been among the leading journals in the field of theoretical and applied mechanics. In addition to the fields of solid and fluid mechanics, such as elasticity, plasticity, vibrations and control, structures, multi-body dynamics, hydrodynamics, gasdynamics and multiphase flows, it also gives special attention to areas such as Non-Newtonian fluid dynamics, micro- and nanomechanics of fluids and solids, smart materials and structures, biomechanics of solids and fluids, stochastic mechanics, and novel issues at the interface of mechanics and materials.
Cancer Nanotechnology《癌症纳米技术》(可官网投稿)
Cancer Nanotechnology《癌症纳米技术》(年刊). Cancer is a group of diseases driven by inherently nanostructural problems (e.g. DNA issues). As such, there are obvious benefits to treatments employing nanoscale structures and processes. Additionally, as nanotechnologies are developing at a rapid rate, it is likely that many new themes will develop within the area in the next few years. With this in mind, Cancer Nanotechnology aims to provide a forum so that the most promising emerging themes should be pre-eminent in the minds of researchers working in one—or, indeed, both—of the disciplines of cancer research or nanotechnology.
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering《岩石力学与岩石工程》(可官网投稿)
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering《岩石力学与岩石工程》(月刊). Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering publishes original research on the experimental and theoretical aspects of rock mechanics, including laboratory and field testing, computational methods, design principles and site investigation. Coverage also includes case histories on design and construction of structures in rock and review papers.
International Journal of Simulation Modelling《国际仿真建模杂志》(可邮箱投稿)
International Journal of Simulation Modelling《国际仿真建模杂志》(季刊). The International Journal of Simulation Modelling (IJSIMM) provides a global forum for the publication of all forms of simulation modelling research work in academic institutions, in industry or in consultancy.
Journal of Universal Computer Science《通用计算机科学杂志》(可官网投稿)
Journal of Universal Computer Science《通用计算机科学杂志》(月刊). The Journal of Universal Computer Science (J.UCS) is a high-quality periodical and has been appearing in digital and printed form since 1995. The journal deals with all research areas of computer science, based on the ACM Computing Classification System categories including general literature, hardware, software, computer systems organization, theory of computation, information systems, mathematics of computing, data and data science, computing methodologies, computer applications, science and technology of learning, and knowledge management.