
  • Cultural Critique《文化评论》(可邮箱投稿)

    Cultural Critique《文化评论》(季刊). Cultural Critique provides a forum for creative and provocative scholarship in the theoretical humanities and humanistic social sciences. Transnational in scope and transdisciplinary in orientation,the journal strives to spark and galvanize intellectual debates as well as to attract and foster critical investigations regarding any aspect of culture as it expresses itself in words,images,and sounds,across both time and space.

  • Critical Inquiry《批评探索》(可网站投稿)

    Critical Inquiry《批评探索》(季刊). Critical Inquiry is an interdisciplinary,peer-reviewed journal devoted to the best critical thought in the arts and humanities. Founded in 1974,it has been called “one of the best known and most influential journals in the world” (Chicago Tribune) and “academe’s most prestigious theory journal” (New York Times). Combining a commitment to rigorous scholarship with a vital concern for dialogue and debate,the journal presents articles by eminent and emerging scholars,critics,and artists on a wide variety of issues in contemporary criticism and culture.

  • Critical Arts-South-North Cultural and Media Studies《批判艺术:南北文化和媒介研究》(可网站投稿)

    Critical Arts-South-North Cultural and Media Studies《批判艺术:南北文化和媒介研究》(双月刊). From its inception,Critical Arts examined the relationship between texts and contexts,cultural formations and popular forms of expression,mainly in the Third World,but after the 1994 transition in South Africa Critical Arts repositioned itself in the South-North and East-West nexus focusing on developing transdisciplinary epistemologies. Critical Arts authors are Africans debating Africa with the rest; and the rest debating Africa and the South and with each other.

  • Communication and Critical-Cultural Studies《传播与批判/文化研究》(可网站投稿)

    Communication and Critical-Cultural Studies《传播与批判/文化研究》(季刊). Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies (CC/CS) is a peer-reviewed publication of the National Communication Association. CC/CS publishes original scholarship that situates culture as a site of struggle and communication as an enactment and discipline of power. The journal features critical inquiry that cuts across academic and theoretical boundaries. CC/CS welcomes a variety of methods including textual,discourse,and rhetorical analyses alongside auto/ethnographic,narrative,and poetic inquiry.

  • Continuum-Journal of Media & Cultural Studies《连续体:媒体与文化研究期刊》(可网站投稿)

    Continuum-Journal of Media & Cultural Studies《连续体:媒体与文化研究期刊》(双月刊). Continuum is an academic journal of media and cultural studies. For over two decades it has contributed to the formation of these disciplines by identifying new areas for investigation and developing new agendas for enquiry in the fields. The journal has consistently provided a space for important new voices in media and cultural studies,while also featuring the work of internationally renowned scholars. Continuum is now one of the most highly regarded and most cited journals in media and cultural studies.

  • Celebrity Studies《名人研究》(可网站投稿)

    Celebrity Studies《名人研究》(季刊). Celebrity Studies is a peer reviewed journal that focuses on the critical exploration of celebrity,stardom and fame. It seeks to make sense of celebrity by drawing upon a range of (inter)disciplinary approaches,media forms,historical periods and national contexts.

  • International Journal of Osteoarchaeology《国际骨质考古学杂志》(可网站投稿)

    International Journal of Osteoarchaeology《国际骨质考古学杂志》(双月刊). The aim of the International Journal of Osteoarchaeology is to provide a forum for the publication of papers dealing with all aspects of the study of human and animal bones from archaeological contexts. The journal will publish original research papers,short reports and commentaries dealing with human or animal bone research from all areas of the world. All papers are subject to rigorous peer review.

  • Inter-Asia Cultural Studies《亚际文化研究》(可邮箱投稿)

    Inter-Asia Cultural Studies《亚际文化研究》(双月刊). Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (IACS) gives a long overdue voice,throughout the global intellectual community,to those concerned with Inter-Asia Processes. The journal includes discussion,reports and analysis from global critical circles,and especially from marginalised sites,with the aim of enhancing the communication and exchange between inter-Asia and other regions of the cultural studies world.

  • Comparative Studies in Society and History《社会与历史比较研究》(可网站投稿)

    Comparative Studies in Society and History《社会与历史比较研究》(季刊). Comparative Studies in Society and History (CSSH) is an international forum for new research and interpretation concerning problems of recurrent patterning and change in human societies through time and in the contemporary world. CSSH sets up a working alliance among specialists in all branches of the social sciences and humanities as a way of bringing together multidisciplinary research,cultural studies,and theory,especially in anthropology,history,political science,and sociology. Review articles and discussion bring readers in touch with current findings and issues.

  • Cultural Studies《文化研究》(可网站投稿)

    CULTURAL STUDIES《文化研究》(双月刊). Cultural Studies examines how cultural practices relate to everyday life,history,structures of power,affect,ideology,economy,politics,knowledge,technology,and the environment. Since its inception in 1987,Cultural Studies has understood the term “culture” as ever-evolving and inclusive—rather than exclusive. As such,the Journal continues to support the field on a global scale by sharing contemporary,diverse perspectives on popular artifacts and practices.

  • Social Philosophy & Policy《社会哲学与政策》

    Social Philosophy & Policy《社会哲学与政策》(半年刊). Social Philosophy and Policy is an interdisciplinary journal with an emphasis on the philosophical underpinnings of enduring social policy debates. The issues are thematic in format,examining a specific area of concern with contributions from scholars in different disciplines,especially philosophy,economics,political science and law. While not primarily a journal of policy prescriptions,some articles in each issue will typically connect theory with practice.


    TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR RECHTSGESCHIEDENIS-REVUE D HISTOIRE DU DROIT-THE LEGAL HISTORY REVIEW《法律史评论》(季刊)。The Legal History Review,inspired by E.M. Meijers,is a peer-reviewed journal and was founded in 1918 by a number of Dutch jurists,who set out to stimulate scholarly interest in legal history in their own country and also to provide a centre for international cooperation in the subject. This has gradually been achieved through the years. The Review had already become one of the leading internationally known periodicals in the field before 1940. Since 1950 when it emerged under Belgo-Dutch editorship its position strengthened. Much attention is paid not only to the common foundations of the western legal tradition but also to the special,frequently divergent development of national law in the various countries belonging to,or influenced by it. Modern and contemporary,as well as ancient and medieval history is considered. Roman law and its later development,as well as canon law,have always been particularly important; in addition the history of the English Common Law has been extensively studied.

  • Journal of Cultural Economy《文化经济杂志》(可网站投稿)

    Journal of Cultural Economy《文化经济杂志》(双月刊). Journal of Cultural Economy is concerned with the role played by various forms of material cultural practice in the organisation of the economy and the social,and the relations between them. It offers a unique interdisciplinary forum for work on these questions from across the social sciences and humanities. These include,but are not restricted to,the contributions of governmentality,pragmatism,narrative analysis,actor network theory and science and technology studies and associated debates about valuation,measurement,performativity and performance in economy,culture and society.

  • Journal of Consciousness Studies《意识研究杂志》

    Journal of Consciousness Studies《意识研究杂志》(月刊). The Journal of Consciousness Studies is a refereed journal aimed at an educated multi-disciplinary readership. Authors should not assume prior knowledge in a subject speciality and should provide background information for their research. The use of technical terms should be avoided or made explicit. Where technical details are essential (for example in laboratory experiments),try and include them in footnotes or appendices,leaving the text accessible to the non-specialist reader. The same principle should also apply to mathematics,unless essential to an argument.

  • International Journal of Heritage Studies《国际遗产研究杂志》(可网站投稿)

    International Journal of Heritage Studies《国际遗产研究杂志》(月刊). The International Journal of Heritage Studies ( IJHS ) is the interdisciplinary academic,refereed journal for scholars and practitioners with a common interest in heritage. The Journal encourages debate over the nature and meaning of heritage as well as its links to memory,identities and place. Articles may include issues emerging from Heritage Studies,Museum Studies,History,Tourism Studies,Sociology,Anthropology,Memory Studies,Cultural Geography,Law,Cultural Studies,and Interpretation and Design.

  • Daedalus《代达罗斯》

    Daedalus《代达罗斯》(季刊). Drawing on the nation’s most prominent thinkers in the arts,sciences,humanities,and social sciences,as well as the professions and public life,Dædalus,Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences,explores the frontiers of knowledge and issues of public importance. Recent issues have examined Access to Justice; Inequality as a Multidimensional Process; Science and the Legal System; Why Jazz Still Matters; Political Leadership; Ethics,Technology,and War; Russia Beyond Putin; and The Prospects and Limits of Deliberative Democracy.

  • Cultural Trends《文化趋势》(可网站投稿)

    Cultural Trends《文化趋势》(一年5期). Cultural Trends,a peer-reviewed international journal (AHCI and SSCI),provides in-depth analysis of the cultural sector and cultural policy. It offers timely investigations into key issues in the arts,culture and creative sectors,and critically engages with ongoing policy debates from interdisciplinary and international perspectives.

  • Studies in Philosophy and Education《哲学与教育研究》(可网站投稿)

    Studies in Philosophy and Education《哲学与教育研究》(双月刊). Studies in Philosophy and Education is an international peer-reviewed journal that focuses on the philosophical,theoretical,normative and conceptual problems and issues in educational research,policy and practice. As such,Studies in Philosophy and Education is not the expression of any one philosophical or theoretical school or cultural tradition. Rather,the journal promotes exchange and collaboration among philosophers,philosophers of education,educational and social science researchers,and educational policy makers throughout the world. Contributions that address this wide audience,while clearly presenting a philosophical argument and reflecting standards of academic excellence,are encouraged.



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