The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion《国际宗教心理学杂志》(可网站投稿)
The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion《国际宗教心理学杂志》(季刊). The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion (IJPR) is devoted to psychological studies of religious processes and phenomena in all religious traditions. This journal provides a means for sustained discussion of psychologically relevant issues that can be examined empirically and concern religion in the most general sense. It presents articles covering a variety of important topics,such as the social psychology of religion,religious development,conversion,religious experience,religion and social attitudes and behavior,religion and mental health,and psychoanalytic and other theoretical interpretations of religion.
HUMOR-International Journal of Humor Research《幽默:国际幽默研究杂志》(可网站投稿)
HUMOR-International Journal of Humor Research《幽默:国际幽默研究杂志》(季刊). HUMOR was established as an international interdisciplinary forum for the publication of high-quality research papers on humor as an important and universal human faculty. Humor research draws upon a wide range of academic disciplines including anthropology,biology,cultural studies,computer science,education,communication,film and media studies,gender studies,history,linguistics,literature,mathematics,health and medicine,philosophy,political science,psychology,and sociology. At the same time,humor research often sheds light on the basic concepts,ideas,and methods of many of these disciplines.
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts《美学、创造力和艺术心理学》(可网站投稿)
Psychology of Aesthetics,Creativity and the Arts《美学、创造力和艺术心理学》(季刊). Psychology of Aesthetics,Creativity,and the Arts is devoted to promoting scholarship on the psychology of the production and appreciation of the arts and all aspects of creative endeavor.
Games and Culture《游戏与文化》(可网站投稿)
Games and Culture《游戏与文化》(一年8期). Games and Culture: A Journal of Interactive Media is an international journal that publishes innovative theoretical and empirical research about games and culture within interactive media. The journal serves as a premiere outlet for ground-breaking work in the field of game studies. Games and Cultures scope includes the socio-cultural,political,and economic dimensions of gaming from a wide variety of perspectives,including textual analysis,political economy,cultural studies,ethnography,critical race studies,gender studies,media studies,public policy,international relations,and communication studies.
Ethics and Information Technology《伦理学与信息技术》(可网站投稿)
Ethics and Information Technology《伦理学与信息技术》(季刊). Ethics and Information Technology is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to advancing the dialogue between moral philosophy and the field of information and communication technology (ICT). The journal aims to foster and promote reflection and analysis which is intended to make a constructive contribution to answering the ethical,social and political questions associated with the adoption,use,and development of ICT.
Empirical Studies of the Arts《艺术的实证研究》(可网站投稿)
Empirical Studies of the Arts《艺术的实证研究》(半年刊). Empirical Studies of the Arts (ART) aims to be an interdisciplinary forum for theoretical and empirical studies of aesthetics,creativity,and all of the arts. It spans anthropological,psychological,neuroscientific,semiotic,and sociological studies of the creation,perception,and appreciation of literary,musical,visual and other art forms. Whether you are an active researcher or an interested bystander,Empirical Studies of the Arts keeps you up to date on the latest trends in scientific studies of the arts.
Journal of Religion & Health《宗教与健康杂志》(可网站投稿)
Journal of Religion & Health《宗教与健康杂志》(双月刊). Journal of Religion and Health explores the most contemporary modes of religious and spiritual thought with particular emphasis on their relevance to current medical and psychological research. Taking an eclectic approach to the study of human values,health,and emotional welfare,this international interdisciplinary journal publishes original peer-reviewed articles that deal with mental and physical health in relation to religion and spirituality of all kinds.
FIRST LANGUAGE《第一语言》(可网站投稿)
FIRST LANGUAGE《第一语言》(双月刊). First Language is a forum for research into how children acquire their first language,and the application of that research into practice. First Language publishes original research,theoretical articles,review articles and book reviews in all areas of first language acquisition. Age groups studied range from neonates to adolescents. This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Psychology of Music《音乐心理学》(可网站投稿)
Psychology of Music《音乐心理学》(双月刊). Psychology of Music publishes peer-reviewed papers directed at increasing the scientific understanding of any psychological aspect of music. These include studies on listening,performing,creating,memorising,analysing,describing,learning,and teaching,as well as applied social,developmental,attitudinal and therapeutic studies. Special emphasis is placed on studies,which address the interface between music psychology and music education.
Environment and History《环境与历史》(可网站投稿)
Environment and History《环境与历史》(季刊). Environment and History is an interdisciplinary journal which aims to bring scholars in the humanities and biological sciences closer together,with the deliberate intention of constructing long and well-founded perspectives on present day environmental problems.Articles appearing in Environment and History are abstracted and indexed in America: History and Life,Arts and Humanities Citation Index,British Humanities Index,CAB Abstracts,Current Contents/Arts and Humanities,Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences,Environment Abstracts,Environmental Policy Abstracts,Forestry Abstracts,Geo Abstracts,Historical Abstracts,History Journals Guide,International Bibliography of Social Sciences,Landscape Research Extra,Referativnyi Zhurnal,Rural Sociology Abstracts,Social Sciences Citation Index,Social Sciences in Forestry and World Agricultural Economics.
Contemporary South Asia《当代南亚》(可网站投稿)
Contemporary South Asia《当代南亚》(季刊). Contemporary South Asia seeks to address the issues of the region by presenting research and analysis which is both cross-regional and multi-disciplinary. The journal encourages the development of new perspectives on the study of South Asia from across the arts and social sciences disciplines. We also welcome contributions to pan-regional and inter-disciplinary analysis. Our aim is to create a vibrant research space to explore the multidimensional issues of concern to scholars working on South Asia and South Asian diasporas in the postcolonial era.
Slavic Review《斯拉夫评论》(可网站投稿)
Slavic Review《斯拉夫评论》(季刊). Slavic Review is an international interdisciplinary journal devoted to the study of eastern Europe,Russia,the Caucasus,and Central Asia,past and present. The journal publishes articles of original and significant research and interpretation,reviews of scholarly books and films,and topical review essays and discussion forums.
Journal of Southeast Asian Studies《东南亚研究杂志》(可网站投稿)
Journal of Southeast Asian Studies《东南亚研究杂志》(季刊). The Journal of Southeast Asian Studies is one of the principal outlets for scholarly articles on Southeast Asia (Brunei,Cambodia,Indonesia,Laos,Malaysia,Myanmar,the Philippines,East Timor,Singapore,Thailand and Vietnam). Embracing a wide range of academic disciplines in the humanities and social sciences,the journal publishes manuscripts oriented toward a scholarly readership but written to be accessible to non-specialists. The extensive book review section includes works in Southeast Asian languages.
URBAN DESIGN International《国际城市设计》(可网站投稿)
URBAN DESIGN International《国际城市设计》(季刊). URBAN DESIGN International is: an essential forum for the exchange of information and debate concerning issues of urban design and management a vital resource for urban designers,architects,planners,landscape architects and developers an international peer-reviewed publication. URBAN DESIGN International is the first truly international network for all of those involved in the multi-disciplinary tasks of urban design and management.
Open House International-Sustainable & Smart Architecture and Urban Studies《国际住房:可持续智能建筑与城市研究》(可网站投稿)
Open House International-Sustainable & Smart Architecture and Urban Studies《国际住房:可持续智能建筑与城市研究》(季刊). Open House International: Sustainable & Smart Architecture and Urban Studies (OHI) is an interdisciplinary research journal in architecture,building technology,housing,urban design and planning. The journal aims at establishing effective links between theory and design and education and practice in these fields.
The Journal of Asian Studies《亚洲研究杂志》(可网站投稿)
The Journal of Asian Studies《亚洲研究杂志》(季刊). The Journal of Asian Studies (JAS) has played a defining role in the field of Asian studies for over 75 years. JAS publishes the very best empirical and multidisciplinary work on Asia,spanning the arts,history,literature,the social sciences,and cultural studies. Experts around the world turn to this quarterly journal for the latest in-depth scholarship on Asias past and present,for its extensive book reviews,and for its state-of-the-field essays on established and emerging topics.
Iranian Studies《伊朗研究》(可网站投稿)
Iranian Studies《伊朗研究》(季刊). Iranian Studies is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to Iranian and Persian history,literature,and society,published on behalf of the Association for Iranian Studies . Its scope includes all areas of the world with a Persian or Iranian legacy,especially Iran,Afghanistan,Central Asia and the Caucasus,and northern India,and Iranians in the diaspora. It welcomes submissions in all disciplines.
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal《东亚科学技术与社会国际学刊》(可网站投稿)
East Asian Science,Technology and Society: An International Journal《东亚科学技术与社会国际学刊》(季刊). Sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology,Taiwan,East Asian Science,Technology and Society: An International Journal (EASTS) aims to bring together East Asian and Western scholars from the fields of science,technology,and society (STS). Examining issues such as human embryonic stem-cell research,family and reproductive technologies,and the globalization of Chinese medicine,the journal publishes research on how society and culture in East Asia interact with science,technology,and medicine. EASTS serves as a gathering place to facilitate the growing efforts of STS networks from Northeast Asia,Southeast Asia,North America,and Europe to foster an internationally open and inclusive community. The journal is composed of research articles,research notes,critical reviews,and book reviews.