X-RAY SPECTROMETRY《X射线光谱法》(双月刊). XRS covers the theory and application of X-Ray Spectrometry using electron, x-ray photon, proton, γ and γ-x sources. XRS focuses on advances in techniques, methods and equipment including data handling methods, wavelength and energy dispersion systems.

杂志简称:x、ray spectrom
收录属性:scie(2024版), 目次收录(维普),英文期刊,
投稿方向:物理与天体物理、spectroscopy 光谱学



出版周期:双月刊 地区:英国
国际标准刊号:ISSN 0049-8246;E-ISSN 1097-4539

杂志官网 联系方式

出版地址:WILEY,111 RIVER ST,HOBOKEN,USA,NJ,07030-5774




Professor Johan Boman

University of Gothenburg

Department of Chemistry & Molecular Biology

Kemivägen 10



e-mail: johan.boman@chem.gu.se


Professor Liqiang Luo

National Research Center of Geoanalysis

26 Baiwanzhuang Street


100037 P. R. China

e-mail: luoliqiang@cags.ac.cn


North America

Professor J. L. Campbell

Department of Physics

University of Guelph

Guelph, Ontario, Canada

e-mail: icampbel@uoguelph.ca

South America

Professor H. J. Sánchez

Facultad de Matemática Astronomía y Física

Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

5000 Córdoba, Argentina

e-mail: jsan@famf.unc.edu.ar


Professor J. Kawai

Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Kyoto University, Sakyo-ku

Kyoto 606-8501, Japan

e-mail: kawai.jun.3x@kyoto-u.ac.jp


Dr Y. Shen

National Research Center of Geoanalysis

26 Baiwanzhuang Street


100037 P. R. China


Australasia (except China and Japan)

Professor D. D. Cohen

Building 53


PMB1, MENAI, NSW, 2234, Australia

e-mail: dcz@ansto.gov.au


Dr A. Markowicz

Neurissgasse 6A

A-2325 Himberg


e-mail: markowicza426@gmail.com


Professor K. Sakurai

National Institute for Materials Science

1-2-1, Sengen, Tsukuba, Ibaraki

305-0047 Japan

e-mail: sakurai@yuhgiri.nims.go.jp, sakurai@pas.tsukuba.ac.jp


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Colour Policy

Guidelines for Cover Submissions

Citing EarlyView Articles

Conventions Adopted by XRS

Further Information


X-Ray Spectrometry is devoted to the rapid publication of papers dealing with the theory and application of x-ray spectrometry in its many aspects. Included within the terms of reference of the journal will be the use of sources based on photons, electrons, protons, etc. Both wavelength-and energy-dispersion systems are considered. Development of suitable detectors, x-ray optical systems and complete analysis will be included. Quantification procedures are considered an essential part of x-ray analysis. Data handling methods will range from the most simple to very sophisticated software programs up to the stage of providing analytical data, i.e. excluding process control software. All applications of x-ray emission spectrometry (industrial, environmental, biomedical, archaeological, etc.) are of much interest; sample preparation and quality control procedures should be clearly outlined in each case. It is also the intention to include papers dealing with the application of x-ray absorption spectrometry and of x-ray spectrometric methods for structural analysis (but papers which deal primarily with x-ray diffraction are not appropriate). Papers dealing exclusively with measurements of physical parameters related to x-rays (cross sections, fluorescence yields, etc.) will only be considered if: (1) the article deals with a full inventory of the parameter data, (2) the methodology for the measurement is novel, or (3) the authors prove that the quality of their data is superior to other published values. In all other cases a manuscript on physical constants will be deemed more suitable for a journal dealing exclusively with physical data, and of little value to the average reader of X-Ray Spectrometry.

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Writing Abstracts

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Reference Style

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Examples for Journals

[1] R. K. Harris, A. Nordon, K. D. M. Harris, Rapid. Commun. Mass Spec. 2007 ; 21 , 15.

Examples for Books

[2] K. Schmidt-Rohr, H.W. Spiess, Multidimensional Solid-State NMR and Polymers, Academic Press, London, 1994 .

[3] V. Sklenar, in NMR Applications in Biopolymers , (Eds: J.W. Finley, S. J. Schmidt, A. S. Serianni), Plenum, New York, 1990 , pp. 63-70.

Illustrations and ChemDraw Rules

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Citing EarlyView Articles

To include the DOI in a citation to an article, simply append it to the reference as in the following example:

R. K. Harris, A. Nordon, K. D. M. Harris, Rapid. Commun. Mass Spec. 2007, DOI: 10.1002/rcm.21464.

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DOI 10.1002/XRS.20941, becomes http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/XRS.20941.

Conventions adopted by XRS

Nomenclature. The technique of x-ray spectrometry is used by workers from all branches of science and this, coupled with the dearth of text books in the field, explains the wide diversity in terms, symbols and abbreviations that are employed by authors describing their work in this area. For general terms and symbols authors are recommended to follow the “Green Book” of IUPAC: “Quantities, Units and Symbols in Physical Chemistry”: I. Mills, T. Cvitas, K. Homann, N. Kallay, and K. Kuchitsu, Blackwell Science,1993 [ISBN 0632035838] and the chapter on spectrochemical analysis in IUPAC’s “Orange Book”: “Compendium of Analytical Nomenclature” 3rd edition, J. Inczedy, T. Lengyel and A. M. Ure, Blackwell Science, 1998 [ISBN 0-86542-6155]. For the nomenclature of the x-ray lines, both the official IUPAC nomenclature, as defined in the latter “Orange Book” and the conventional old Siegbahn notations (which are still used abundantly) can be applied.

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